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Jack P.O.V.

No. No. No. I blew it! I fucking blew it!

Y/n had stopped me, but I kept going. Punching him, making him bleed, yet he didn't even put up a fight.

She was going to hate me.. I was learning to hold in my anger and I blew it!

I had never been so angry at someone.. He just wouldn't shut up and he wouldn't stop saying those fucking things..

Y/n called 911 as soon as she got there and then had to literally tear me off of him. I was ready to go back at him, but she wouldn't let me.

So there we were. I stood a distance away from the two of them. Y/n was yelling at Josh to stay awake, but it didn't seem to be working.

"Josh! Wake the fuck up! You nay have been a total ass.. And you may have wronged me, but that doesn't mean I want you to die! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have led you astray! This wouldn't have happened.. You could have found someone who actually loves you.. I'm sorry.. I'm so so sorry..." She was on her knees next to him, blood seeping onto her jeans. She desperately tried to stop the bleeding, her words becoming blurred in with her cries.

"No.... No..... Josh..."

I was too scared to see her face. All I could the was to run. Run away, but I couldn't. I had to face it. I had to face the fact that she now hates me for what I did to her husband.

I shut my eyes, shutting out the world. My tears hot on my cheeks.

"Sean?" My eyes shot back open as I looked back down at Y/n, her bloody hands now gripping my shirt. She looked at me in devastation, trying to hold in her cries. I was quiet. I was afraid she was going to hate me, yell, scream..

But instead she buried her face in my chest, hugging me as well as sob into my shirt. I stared down at her, scared to hug her back until she whispered, "This is all my fault."

My arms wrapped around her body and stood against the wall near the edge of the field. I kept shaking my head, "No.. No.. It isn't your fault.. I'm sorry, Y/n.. This.. Is all my fault. I shouldn't have made that bet.. I shouldn't have treated you like a prize. I just didn't want to lose you again.. I'm ashamed that I let him get the better of me."

She leaned back a bit to look up at me. Her mouth was a thin trembling line, but the corners turned upwards slightly.

She reached up and pulled my head closer to her, before she kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, then my nose..

My knees buckled and I fell onto them, tears running down my face and so many emotions took over. This time I was the one sobbing while she held hugged me, rubbing the back of my head. 

"I'm sorry.. It's okay if you hate me now.. I can.. Take it.."

No I couldn't. If she hated me I wouldn't be able to live with myself, but of course, I couldn't tell her that..

She pulled away and stared down at me, smiling sadly and shaking her head, "No Sean.. I don't hate you. In fact, I realize now that I love you and only you.. I cared about Josh.. In the beginning I thought I loved him, but.. I guess it was only out of pity. I shouldn't have done that. I should have given him the opportunity back six years ago to find someone, but I didn't. I don't hate you. I don't think I could hate you.. Even if I ever said I hated you, I would be lying."

At that moment I heard the sirens in the background, and I also realized something that I forgot about.

"What if he dies? I'll be pressed for murder!" I was about to freak out, but she shook her head, "It was out of self defense. He was the one who started the fight. You aren't held responsible. We have someone to verify that."

I looked out at the flashing red and blue lights, slightly becoming relieved, "Y/n?"


Has the day finally come? Am I finally going to get her back?

"I..... I love you.."

She smiled up at me and gave me a quick peck on the lips, "I love you too, Sean."


It happened!! Celebrate everyone!

Confetti and balloons!!!

|Liar|  Jacksepticeye X Suicidal ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now