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Jack P.O.V.

Damn. What had gotten into me? I usually held it together, but they way she kept looking at me made me wanna......

FUCK! You creep! Jack you're a creep!

After saying that, she stared at me with such an innocent look. I couldn't act this way. Not to her. The reason she was upset in the first place was because of the whole rape thing. I wanted her to forget about that, not relive it.

So instead of doing what I wanted to do, I picked her up and placed her on the couch gently. I placed a small kiss on her forehead, "The game is see how much I can cheer you up."

She raised an eyebrow, then chuckled, "Jack.. You already won that game."

"Well, let me make it even better. You're going to court soon. I want you to enjoy yourself until then."

I stood up and walked into the kitchen, "What're you hungry for?"

She was quiet for a moment but then said, "Waffles?"

"Okay." Whatever she wanted. As long as it wasn't gourmet because I wasn't that good at cooking. However, I would say I was pretty good with waffles.

I stood in the kitchen, making waffles as she wanted, when I heard someone enter the kitchen. Y/n appeared next to me, watching as I pressed the waffle maker shut.


I looked over at her to see the worry in her large eyes. Was this about Mike? I really hoped not.. That would have been-

"I kissed you.. While you were drunk.. Or... Well.. You did at first and then I was.. Also.. Doing that..."

I was caught off guard, but I remembered Mark had told me. I wasnt quite sure what to say but she looked down, blushing and said, "Sorry.. That was.. Stupid.. I didn't... Erm..."

I looked back at the waffle maker to make sure they weren't ready and then looked back at her. She seemed to be thinking.

I was shocked by her sudden, "Fuck it," as she suddenly came close to me and got on her toes to my level, kissing me.

I had no idea what to think or say or even do. All I could do was kiss back, warming up to the feeling very quickly. I almost wondered why she suddenly wanted to kiss, but then I thought about it. We hadn't had a proper kiss before that we actually both remember sharing. This was our first real kiss.

Of course, it just so happened to be the day I didn't shower and I was a disgusting dirty shit. Way to ruin it Jack.

Y/n either ignored it or didn't notice because she stayed in place, keeping her soft lips pressed to mine. At least until she ran out of breathe.

I stared down at her with no idea what to say to her, until she chuckled, "Waffles."

I turned and noticed they were ready, "Ahh shit."

As I was finishing them, my phone rang in the living room. Y/n brought it to me and said, "It's Nogla."

I took the phone and pressed it to my ear, "What's up?"

"Have you been practicing? Your my first witness. Or.. Tyler's first witness. You need to be ready for the court."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me pyshically nod, "Yep. I have practiced everything. I do believe that I'm ready to go on stand."

"Good. Make sure you're solid. I have a bad feeling about this. Mike has a good lawyer. A guy named Craig. He is supposedly one of the best lawyers in the state."

"Come on Nogla. Who is going to believe Mike? He obviously hurt her. No jury will believe his sorry ass."

There was a pause and then he said, "Don't underestimate the jury's stupidity, Sean."

|Liar|  Jacksepticeye X Suicidal ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt