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Jack P.O.V.

I chuckled as I continued to watch Josh, loosing all the money he had with two idiots during poker. Honestly, if you couldn't beat these guys, you might as well not even try to gamble with anyone. No wonder he was sending them to bankruptcy.

Josh grumbled in anger as the man across from him won and took all the chips from the middle, "Well, I'll take my earnings and head out." The man chuckled and left the table with the friend he had also been betting with. Josh shot up and slammed his fist into the table, "Don't you know who I am? I deserve all that money and you know it!"

He grabbed the bottle of beer from the table and turned around to see me. He stopped and stared at me. It was then I realized that everyone had left and we were alone.

I snickered, which earned an angry growl from Josh, "The hell do you want?"

"I never realized how much of a drunk you were. Hmph. Such a disappointment."

"You shut your damn trap! I am not drunk!" He said as he took another sip of his beer. I simply laughed and shook my head, "Look at you! Wallowing in debt, stinkin' drunk? You're pitiful, Ramen. You have as much money as you yourself are worth, which is nothing."

He huffed and set his bottle down, approaching me slowly, "Well I outta say that you are in the same boat."

"I'm hardly broke. Unlike you, I can win easy games for days. I have all sorts of money. The type of money Y/n needs in her life."

"Oh yeah?" He was finally right in front of me as he shook his head, "What's that supposed to mean?"

I smiled deviously and walked past him. I could feel his gaze following me as I walked up to the bar, "I propose..... A bet."

"A bet?"

"Yes. A bet. You will be leaving for England in less than two weeks. Y/n will choose whether or not she will go with you. She either goes with you to England living her life like she used to, or she can stay with me in San Diego."

"My Y/n would never go with you."

I laughed and turned to face him, smirking, "Ah.. but your Y/n is far off in the distance my good man. Her mind will change. She will choose the day before the flight. Me or you. Simple." I grabbed one of the unopened beer bottles and opened it, taking a drink from it, "If she chooses me.. to stay here in San Diego.. You will leave here alone and never speak to her again."

"And if she goes with me?"

"Then her and Jackie will go with you back to England and I will pay off all your debts."

There was silence for a moment before he looked back at me and smirked, "Fine," he held out his hand, "It's a bet."

I took his hand and shook it, chuckling as I swiftly turned away, "She loves me still ya know. She never stopped."

"Maybe, but we have a daughter. She wouldn't do that for the sake of Jackie."

I laughed at him, looking away as I wipe a few of the stray tears of laughter that had appeared in my eye sockets. I look back to see the confused look on Josh's face. I simply roll my eyes, "Are you so sure?"

"Of what?"


"What do you mean?"

"This child... Many different traits that do not fit you.. Such as.. kindness, boldness.. anger. Who do they fit better, Ramen? You? Or would you say..... Me?"

He shot up to his feet and walked toward me, growling, "You liar! Jacklyn is my daughter, not yours!"

"Are you quite sure?"

"......" He was silent as these thoughts were processed in his mind piece by piece. He glared at me and shook his head, "Impossible. I was the only one to love her like that six years ago. On our honeymoon."

"Let's just say, the bride was nervous the day before her wedding. She needed some comforting."

He growled angrily and pushed me back, "I will win this bet! She is mine! I will show you who she loves! So don't get comfortable around my wife!"

"Rest assured my fellow enemy that I will do as I please, no matter what you try and say. Whether you like it or not, I will see my daughter and my future wife. Good day, Monsieur."

And with that I left him alone in the bar. This bet was all I had left. It was either all or nothing.

I either get the girl, or die trying and I'll be damned if I let Josh take her.

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