The triwizard tornument.

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"Did it hurt Draco?" Asked Dani. They were back at hogwarts for another year.

"Did what hurt?" Asked Draco with his mouthful.

"When your father hit you in the chest?" Asked Dani.

"Yeah, a little." Said Draco digging into his food.

"This year we are joined by two other schools. Durmstrang and beauxbaxtons." Said Dumble dore as the great hall doors opend. Teenagers walked in with sticks. Viktor crum walking in with a man. Dani saw ron look up at viktor.

Then walked in flawless girls. Both Draco and Tom looked lovestruck, dani jabbed draco in the chest. Draco looked at Dani apologetically.

"This year we are hosts of the triwizard tournaments." Said Dumbledore.


Dani and Draco were in the now empty slytherin common room, everyone apart from them were in bed. They both got up and stared in eachothers eyes dreamingly. They leaned in and kissed,not like any kiss. But a proper kiss.

They broke apart and dani looked over at the stair case, her brother was standing there schocked. Had he seen it? It was obvious he had.

"What the flipping hell went on in here?" Asked Tom.

"Tom i thought you was in bed." Said Dani.

"I was. But i Dracos bed was empty so i came to check. Were you two kissing?" Asked Tom.

"Kind of." Said Draco.

"I can't belive i just witnessed my best friends and my sister snogging. Ew." Said Tom.

"Just go back to bed." Said Dani." Me and Draco were just going to go to bed ourselves."

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