SPECIAL: Mika X Veronica

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A/N/ Thanks for the request, Hayesalnuts. Also, I'm sorry it took so long. I kept meaning to update again but time ran away 》.《 Either way, I got really annoyed with some people in school today, so I had time to channel my emotions into an update! Hope you like it!

"Veronica." Krul said again, this time impatiently.
"S-Sorry. Yes, my Queen?" Veronica stammered, slightly embarrassed that she had gotten distracted again. If only that blonde pile of adorableness wasn't hovering over  her chair playing the violin. Krul sighed.
"I have a mission for you. I need you to go and eradicate some Four Horsemen at a town just a little north. You'll be in charge." She ordered.
"Of course." Veronica nodded.
"Did you hear what I said?" Krul pressed.
"Of course." Veronica simply nodded again, and Krul sighed once more.
"Mikaela will be joining you." She added, a little louder this time. Mika's head jerked up and he nearly dropped the violin. He gave Krul a shocked look, blue eyes wide. Veronica was shocked too. Her dark brown hair swishing forwards as she stepped back in shock.
"Q-Queen Krul?!" She questioned.
"That's all." Krul beamed, waving her hand in signal for Veronica to take her leave. She didn't though. She didn't budge.
"KRUL?! SHE'S A SERAPH! SHE ISN'T EVEN A VAMPIRE!" Mika practically exploded.
"...So? What's the problem, Mikaela?" Krul asked.
"You can't tell her what to do! She's a Seraph! She isn't even in anyone's faction!"
"Mikaela." Krul shook her head, looking disappointed. "I'm running short staffed for this mission because of Ferid and his hooligans, so you'll go on a mission with her whether you like it or not."
"B-But Queen Krul, if Lord Lest Karr finds out that you have a Seraph on your side... or the humans..." Veronica argued.

Veronica was a Seraph who had attacked the vampire hide out in Nagoya. Having managed to capture her once she had calmed her rampage, a large selection of vampires had sent her to Queen Krul. From there, Krul had successfully managed to get the Seraph named Veronica on side, and that was how the Seraph Veronica had come to live in the Vampire City of Sanguinem, with Krul. She had never been sent on a mission, because it was too dangerous. If Lest or any of the humans, or even Ferid found out that Krul had a Seraph walking round, she'd have a major problem on her hands.

"Im the one running the risk here, you roll with it. That's all, Veronica." Krul stated firmly, looking at her with a watchful gaze, as if she was waiting for the Seraph to leave. Veronica nodded and quickly left the room, glancing back to look at the blonde-Mika. He had his back to her, and from behind, it looked as if he was inspecting the wall. She blushed a little and shut the door, shocked into movement again when she remembered Krul was still sat at her throne, watching and waiting for the brown haired Seraph to take her leave.

Mika was waiting for Veronica the next day by an entrance to the human's part of the world that was closest to Krul's palace. "There are three helicopters waiting around the corner." He said, almost like an instruction.
"Why are you telling me?!" Veronica practically yelled, rather randomly.
"You're a bloody crazy vampire." Mika grumbled rather uncharacteristically as he walked to the nearest helicopter, Veronica following.

"Don't turn into a Seraph on the mission. I won't help you." Mika said when the helicopter landed.
"...You really don't like me do you?" Veronica deadpanned as Mikaela strutted off, seemingly rather confident. Or maybe that was just his walk showing his desire to finish the mission. Either way, Veronica let our a sigh, racing after him.
"Hey, Mika?" She yelled and he glanced back at her briefly.  "I want to know more about you." She said, but he shook his head in contradiction.
"No you don't. " He objected.
"I do!" She insisted.
"No, you DON'T." He snapped.
"Why? Why are you so against me? You can't call me crazy when you're the crazy one around here!"
"Because I'm just a vampire."
"No you're not."
"I am. I'm just another rotten vampire, and look at you! You could have easily got away from the Vampires, and yet you joined up with them! You should have ran!" He argued suddenly.
"Is that why you hate me? Because I chose to stay with the vampires?"
"I don't hate you." He sighed.
"Are you sure?" She asked with a frown.
"I don't hate you. I envy you." He admitted.
"Then...why don't you be my friend?" She asked, before realising what she'd done.  SHE'D PUT HIM IN THE FRIEND ZONE! She let out a strangled sound, deflating like a popped balloon as she slumped.
"What's that face for?" He asked.
"Nothing~" She pouted, shocked when he pulled her into a hug. When he pulled away, he didn't fully pull away, merely moved his hand to stroke her cheek.
"Will you escape the vampire city?" He asked, pleading.
"Why, Mikaela?"
"Will you escape the vampire city...with me?" He tried.
"Yes." She decided. Had he managed to get out of the friend zone?! When he let her go, she did a little happy dance and he watched her with a funny look before taking down the Four Horsemen that came plowing round the corner like hungry, demonic  bulldozers.

Veronica and Mikaela didn't return to the Vampire City after that, and when Veronica asked him of he had any regrets, he simply responded:
"I wish I brought my Violin."
The two decided to find Mika's old friend Yuichiro, and two months later, they were well on their way to a reunion. Yuu was in the next town over, and Veronica and Mika were moving at rapid speeds. Turned out, Mika was more musically talented than just a Violin, and he often sang to Veronica, especially the song "Counting stars." And as for Veronica, she was crazy, but not mental. Her crazy was funny.

A/N/ Final AN of the chapter haha! I have two things to say:

1) I'm thinking of doing a Mystic Messenger story. Either X Reader Oneshots, or an actual X reader. With a V and an unknown route for you to go down.  I dunno.  Let me know if you think I should.

2) I've recently started reading The Intern- the Levi X eren story by Lutte. It's so good but I've heard a lot of things saying the ending is shocking to argh am I gonna go into mental break down like I did over Axel's death in KH2? Save me!!!
And a final thing  (oops, I guess I had 3 things to say) go check out the youtuber the Gamerette. She's my favourite female youtuber and she's just go great!

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