A/N: The Was and Were situation + Updates

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Alright 2 things. First up, the 'was' and 'were situation.

Yes. I know. I always put was instead of were. I know. Jesus Guys, like I KNOW! I don't mind seeing you guys make suggestions about what I'm doing wrong, but I've seen people comment about it so many times it's not even nice anymore.

And lately I've been seeing some people being rude about it. So I figured now's a good time to tell you to stop. Seriously, some have been pretty rude. And I don't really appreciate that. At all.

I know it's a problem, and I know you probably think I'm saying this because in defensive, but please remember a few things:

1) I started making this book a long time ago, a long, long time ago. Obviously, my grammar and ability to write has improved a lot. In fact I went back and read one of my guren x readers last week (I think) and I despised it. The story was amazing but the grammar was awful.

2) I'm a human. We all make mistakes. And when we make mistakes a lot, a little thing called autocorrect tends to remember them. And it'll correct them. To be wrong. Whenever I make a story I write on my phone, where I speed type. So autocorrect happens. And I don't notice.

3) Time. I don't have the time to go back and re-read my work all the time. Especially when I haven't updated in a while. Because when that happens I feel like I owe an updates. So I don't read it before I publish. I don't spell check. I don't check for grammar mistakes.

4) Please don't be rude. This book has gotten a lot more popular than I ever thought it would be, and I'm so happy for that. The amount of comments and votes and reads astounds Me, but it also means that I see comments I don't want to read. Some people may not find them offensive, but sometimes I do. I'm not saying don't comment because I love reading your comments! But please just think about how other people might react to them. This is aimed at comments aimed both at other people and myself. Be respectful Guys!

Second thing on the agenda.
Where have I been?
I stopped updating, I barely update this book yet lately I've been spamming my Ferid X Crowley book with constant updates (go read it guys I'm super proud of it and it's about to get a whole lot better!)

Ok so here's your reasons.

Regarding the lack of any updates in 2017 on any book ever:

2017 was a big year for me. Final exams, etc etc and so forth. I made so many new friends and I also lost friends. I didn't have the time for this book. Put frankly, my 2017 was a big bucket of SH*T. I literally can't think of a single good thing that came out of it. Every time I think to a good event from 2017, I just remember the bad ones. Has that set me up for good 2018? No. Not at all.

My 2018 has been great so far, but that doesn't mean that my personal thoughts have been just as good.  Thanks to the events of 2017, I've become a lot more pessimistic than I already was, I'm a lot more sour, quick to judge and I stress a lot quicker. I'm a lot more tetchy, short tempered and hot headed. I'm more irritable, have less motivation, and I don't think about happy things for more than 5 minutes at a time when I'm left to my own headspace. So naturally, finding the right mood to write in has been rather difficult. The Ferid x Crowley thing is alright because I found a way to channel some of my thoughts into that. No, I don't literally translate them. But I encorperate them into what the characters feel, especially Crowley in the more recent chapters. But it's not as easy to do that with this book because there's no constant story to follow, It always requires new ideas. Which leads me to my next point.

I said this a while ago and I'm saying it again. Writers block. I love this book and I still want to update but I can't think of single thing to write 😂 Hopefully I'll get ideas soon. There are some chapters that are half finished, but they require motivation and as previously mentioned, that's a whole problem in itself.

Hopefully I'll be better at updating this year. I pray.

I'm sorry that this turned out to be an authors note, and the whole lot of it was basically me having a long rant.


I know I disappoint 😟

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