Chap. 29: Dan

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I walk out the front door to find Kei sitting there. He hasn’t moved at all, he won’t even come inside. Everyone has tried, but he won’t, he says he has to wait there until Kadaj returned. I feel sorry got the little guy.

“Do you want me to contact him? Would that calm you down some?” He looks up at me, his face is emotionless. I can’t even read his mind.

“How?” I walk over and sit next to him on the stairs. 

“I do have telepathic powers don’t I?” He still stares into space. I wonder what’s going through his head right now, and that’s weird for me to wonder.

“But can you communicate with people that are far away?” I look forward down the dirt path. I remember watching Axel and Kadaj walk down this path and into the fog.

“Of course I can. Here let me find him first.” I close my eyes and put my hand to my head. I search through millions of minds, going farther in distance with each one. I’m about to give up, when I hear just the right thought.

I wonder if Kei and everyone else is OK. I smile and look up. It’s Kadaj.

“He’s worried about you.” I say. Kei looks at me shocked. I look down at him and laugh, and then I return back to Kadaj’s mind.

I wonder what they’re doing right now. I hesitate before I answer wondering if I even should, but then I figure I should. For Kei’s sake.

He’s worried about you as well. I’m sitting with him right now, he can’t think straight without you here. At first there’s a silence, but then he answers.

Thanks Dan. Let him know I’m fine. Axel and I made a new friend, turns out he’s Skylar’s twin brother. We plan on returning home as soon as we find and save her. It might be a while though with all the trouble we’re running into. We may need help, but don’t let Moxie or Kei come along. I don’t want to put them in harm’s way. I sigh, that wasn’t a good thing to hear. I knew they would have trouble, but not this much. They’ve already been gone about three days, the Government building isn’t that far away, they should’ve been there by now. 

“He says he’s OK. That you shouldn’t worry, but he needs help. I think I might gather up everyone except you and Moxie and head out. He wants to make sure you’re in a safe place.” I expect an argument. To have Kei demand that he goes, but he doesn’t.

“OK, just please help them and try your best to help him come home safely, with Sky too.” I stand up.

“I will do my best.” I walk inside and gather everyone. I explain what just happened, and they all understand. We all spread out, gathering all what we need to make our journey. As I pass the front door, I look out at the porch and see that Kei is still sitting there. I can read his mind now though. It’s filled with thoughts of his brother, and only that.

I only wish that I could have a brother that loved and cared about me as much as Kei does for Kadaj.

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