Chap. 30: Kadaj

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I’m in the practice room again, just to see if I got the music down. Earlier today, Dan communicated with me. It freaked me out at first. I thought I was going insane hearing voices. I told him we could use some help. I’m not sure if anyone will come, or if they even know where we are, but I think we could just use some help getting there and taking it down. I have no idea why I thought just me and Axel could do it on our own.

I feel like if we have everyone here we can actually do this, we can actually save Skylar and defeat the Government. All I have to do is win today and then go out and search for everyone. It’s a good thing we have Lync too. Maybe he has a connection with his sister, and will know where she is. Anyway, I just need to focus on the competition for now. 

I walk into our room and Lync is sitting there on the couch watching TV. He’s leaning on the pillow that he is always leaning on. He won’t let anyone move it or even touch. No one knows why though, I don’t question him either. We all have quirks, and I’m assuming this is just one of his. I walk in and set the violin down on the floor, and then sit down next to him.

“Axel done practicing already?” He sits here constantly changing the channel.

“Yeah he’s changing right now. He says he wants to dress his best for this.  Why exactly? I have no clue.” We sit here silence for a bit, until Axel comes out of the room. He’s dressed in the schools uniform and his hair is slicked back. I confused at first, I don’t even think it’s him at first.

“Why are you wearing that?” I ask getting up and making my way towards the room, I still have to change as well.

“They gave them to us, and I figured we were supposed to wear them, and it looks awesome.” He straightens his jacket. As I walk past him I ruffle his hair messing up his hair. “Hey!” He reaches up and fixes it. “Oh by the way, they gave us one for the two of you as well. I guess they just want us to fit in. I’d put them on if I were you.”

“I’m not wearing it.” Lync says from his spot on the couch. I laugh, it sounds like him. He won’t wear or do anything he doesn’t want to. Just like his sister.

“I expected that from him, but you need to put it on since you’re in the Comp, so go change.” He grabs a bag off the table, and tosses it to me. I close the door, and change.

When I get the full uniform on, I look in the mirror. I look like a total nerd for some reason, the uniform looks cool in general, but it makes me look weird. I un-tuck the shirt, and it looks better. Still nerdy, but better. I walk out, and I find Axel standing over Lync, yelling at him, as he sits on the couch switching channels.

“You’re coming to the Comp to watch us!” Axel yells still staring down at him.

“I don’t have to go, so why should I?” Lync snaps back.

“Why!? Because we’re the two people taking care of you now, and you should respect us! Plus earlier you said you would because you had nothing better to do!”

“Oh so does that mean I should call you mommy and daddy? And something came up.” I try to hold back my laugh, it would make Axel even more mad if I didn’t.

“No! I just think you should come and support us at least!” Axel goes on.

“I’ll call you Mommy since you do most of the cooking and cleaning.” I can practically see Axel’s face turn red. 

“Why you little-” Axel raises his hand to punch Lync, but I rush over and grab his arm in time. They both are surprised by this, but it’s just my cat-like reflexes kicking in.

“Daddy!” Lync leaps up and hugs me as I release Axel. “I’m so glad you were here! Mommy would’ve beaten me if you weren’t!” He stuffs his face into my shirt, pretending to cry.

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