2. Descriptions 14 - 18 November, 1984

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14 - 18 November, 1984

 Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Family,

You’re just lucky I like to write. I'm carrying on sadhana as usual. I can see this will take time, this gaining of liberation: Boo, guess what, Darshan won't give it. It’s easy to put yourself down, moan about your plight, crave for another Darshan. But, that has been over for me for awhile. Mahaji, once into the habit one can see that one is gaining more spiritual progress by accepting the Truth: that all are in reality light, happy, spiritual beings, always full of love, love, love and bliss. When once concentrates (by habit) on depression and lowliness, ignoring the Truth, one is dragged down into that consciousness and not the Truth of God consciousness. Why concentrate on not gaining spiritual progress when you can concentrate on the Truth that is radiating from within yourself at all times; then you can actually gain the progress, because you’re getting in touch with the progress and liberation you’re seeking.

I share this with you just to let you know what I'm going through. Now, how about some nice, secular/spiritual information on Prasanthi Nilayam?

Well, here I am in the Sri Sathya Sai Jr. College (Hostel? or just the school? not sure). I am on the 3rd and last floor, room C-3. 47 steps every time to come up (and down). Good exercise. Go seven more steps, and you can open the door to the roof. The room I'm in has 12 devotees (some left since the last time I wrote): 7 from Italy, 1 from Argentina – she has been in Prasanthi Nilayam for a year, and 4 from our group - USA). We’re in the middle of the hallway, by the stairs.

Down at the end of the hallway is the bathroom: 3 showers (a faucet about waist-high is called a “shower” here), two sinks, and 4 bathrooms (your normal sized pit toilet room except no toilet, just a “body-shaped” built-in toilet seat in the ground, and a faucet knee-high, where the toilet paper would be). No toilet paper allowed in the toilets. Turn on the faucet to “flush” the waste down. No soap, no bucket, no towel. No mirrors here anywhere (except in purses).

We eat downstairs, so we don’t have to walk to PN (Prasanthi Nilayam, the Ashram) to eat. Basically, it’s the same exact dishes every single day for breakfast; plus lunch and dinner are almost identical every day. So you don’t get attached to variety! We eat with our fingers off banana leaves “stitched” together with tiny pieces of straw. Buuut… there’s an “overseas sales desk” right beside the food, selling crackers, milk, bread, butter, cheese, etc. Many from our group at least, take advantage of it. I don’t. I'm more comfortable with the living conditions here than at home!! Much more comfy.

I’ll give you a diary now:

14 November Wednesday: first Darshan. Forgot to tell you Maha, when bhajans had begun and I moved up to the 7th row, they started to sing “Rama Hare Sai Krishna Hare, Sarva Dharma Priya Sai Hare…” remember Maha, that song Tim sang and you tried to learn for soo long?? Well, Sai came out for another Darshan during that song! It was such a touching experience, Him so close and that song going on so loud and clear! Maha you should have been there, I thought of you during it.

15 November Thursday: Morning Darshan, 4th row. Saw Him create vibhuti short distance away. He does it 2-4 or 5 times each Darshan. Night Darshan: 1st row, story already told.

16 November Friday: morning Darshan outside area, I found out no Darshan for Seva people. Night Darshan, none. Was busy helping with exhibit. I feel so seva-tized!

17 Nov Saturday: worked form 7 AM to 6:30 PM, after dark. Short breaks for meals. Missed morning Darshan, was working at our hut at Exhibit, blowing up balloons outside it. Soo, Swami came to us to give Darshan!

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