48. Bible Darshan & Materialized Vibhuti - Feb 1986

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Bible Darshan & Materialized Vibhuti

February 24, 1986

Dear Peoples,

I’ve been reading the Bible lately, the other day I was so immersed in reading it before Darshan, that I didn’t even hear Him come out! Suddenly (I was front row) I heard a loud voice talking, and a bit of orange in the corner of my eye. I don’t know why I thought this, but I thought some sadhu in torn robes, had accidentally stumbled into Darshan grounds, in the lady’s section! So I ignored the nearby noise, thinking the volunteers would throw him out.

Then the voice sounded loud, and it sounded strangely familiar, that I looked up to see what was making the distraction and there was SWAMI less than a foot away! What a shock I had! He stayed long too; the lady beside me had a baby and He took scissors and snipped a hair, as the baby’s first haircut. As He reached to cut the hair, His hand was really close to my face.

How Prasanthi Nilayam could have vanished from my mind while reading, is amazing! I was back with Jesus in a field with five thousand men, eating their fill of loaves and fishes… suddenly the Provider Himself is standing before me, as if He just incarnated that instant!

My roommate Michele hasn’t been well lately, a few days ago in Darshan she asked for vibhuthi and He gave her some - white, smooth ash. I had a bit of it cuz I was near her.

A couple of weeks ago, too, a lady beside me received vibhuthi from Sai and I got some of it.

On the 18th Feb, my spiritual Birthday, Sai gave me front row and padnamaskar (touching His feet). :-)

Things are going on as normal around here. People are saying that Swami put many of us in the “washing machine” as His birthday present to us. That was probably what I had been going through in January. But now, I seem to have come out safely of the washing machine, and am quite happy now. 

The weather is wonderful – blue skies, cool winds. It’s like Heaven itself, with the green trees blowing in the wind, and the Avatar walking across the sands…

May the Lord shower His Grace on you.

Jai Sri Sai Ram,




Ugadi (With Anna)

March 15, 1986

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Peoples,

Guess what, Mr. Al Drucker – on Swami’s orders – is returning to the USA for a few weeks, to visit his elderly mother. This is an opportunity for me to write. :-) I hope he’s trustworthy in mailing letters - because I'm giving him this letter to mail to you!

Right now I'm sharing a room with Anna. It’s funny. Last year at this time, we were in the shed together. Now, for the first time since Kodai Kanal, we’re sharing again. Anna’s type “A” personality – always running about – but she doesn’t like it, she wants to just settle down. So we’re a good pair – maybe I calm her down with my “calm” (lazy) nature! She’s very, very devoted and Swami has granted her much grace. She’s been here 2½ years now.

The 10th was Ugadi – Telugu New Year. Anna fixed me a dinner of real mashed potatoes with butter, salt and milk! It was really funny, you never see this kind of western food in India, especially in the ashram. We drew decorations outside our door, in chalk (that’s what they do in India) and wore new clothes & flowers in our hair. Then, Darshan of the Lord to start the year off right! Sai gave a discourse in the Mandir, in the evening. The Mandir is small, only students and teachers and a few VIPs are allowed in, but I got a good view, sitting outside the door.

It was a wonderful Ugadi – seeing Him so close for so long (I was not more than 30 feet from Him). He gave a lot of looks to the ladies. He gave a deep look to us, right when He started the discourse and was saying, “Prema Swarupulara (embodiments of Love).”

Sai has been giving interviews to His college boys, a few boys each day. After they return to the verandah after the interview. He comes out with His red vibhutthi bag, and puts big handfuls of vibhuti packets into their open hands. Then He waits as they touch and kiss His feet. What a scene – Sai clutching the vibhuti bag, looking just like a small boy clutching a lollypop, with several white-clad students gathered around kissing His feet, like starved bees around the honeycomb. Soo sweet. I feel like we, too, are starved bees – drinking in deep the sight of the honey itself, the Avatar.

On Ugadi morning, Sai gave me front row. When He came by, I looked at His feet, then at His face. He was smiling at me with sparkling eyes, with so much Love, as if saying, “What a pity! I am walking too far and you cannot touch My feet! But I am sorry – I cannot come any closer!”

It’s pretty hot here now – 110 degrees. I'm being assured by people that this is winter compared to how hot it gets. It’s not too bad in the room - we just keep the fan going and keep cooling off with showers. Anyway, He’s expected to go to Bangalore soon – maybe on the 13th April. Then He’s expected back here for Easwaramma Day on 6th May. On 30 April He’s agreed to perform a wedding at the Brindavan ashram – thousands of people are expected to attend!

Sai is giving the usual two Darshans a day, and interviews. The interviews have been lasting through bhajans, so He’s been appearing for only the last bhajan or so.

The new ‘West Prasanthi 6’ building is coming up fast. It’s amazing how they can work in the hot sun all day!

All is fine, all is well. The Lord is on the Earth! He is Infinite Compassion. May He always bless us with calmness, peace, joy and overflowing Love for Him and for all His creation. All is one

Jai Sai Ram!



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