68. Travels and Ill Health of Swami - May 1987

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Me Back in Prasanthi Nilayam

May 7, 1987

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Peoples,

So! I had a wonderful time in Kodai and Ooty. Fulfills the expectations every year! But I got very sick in Kodai again… what to do. I went down flat with flu/ear infection, etc. Non-moving for two days. Luckily we lived in the garage in the house next to Swami’s, so I somehow stumbled in for Darshan. Stories later.

Swami stayed eight days in Kodai. How wonderful it was! The less pleasant memories fade. Imagine front row everyday, and touching God's feet twice a day! On April 27th He left and returned to Brindavan.

In Brindavan I got in the Guest House but not for long. After two days they came knocking on my door, saying my name was on a list of over-stayers from Prasanthi Nilayam, and I wasn’t allowed accommodation in Brindavan or Prasanthi Nilayam for all of 1987! By that time I was rather homesick for Prasanthi Nilayam, so I left Brindavan and Swami, and came here to Prasanthi Nilayam. I’ll relate later how I ended up in the blessed South Prasanthi, legal and inside the ashram!

I am unable to further renew my 6-month tourist visa, so I’ll be arriving in San Francisco on or around May 27, 1987. I am very happy here in Prasanthi Nilayam, even without Sai. Home sweet home. See you!



Ill Health of Others

May 17, 1987


Dear Peoples,

Hello, I am fine I hope that you are all well.

So much has happened. But I can relate the news when this body is again in that country!

Now I am in Bangalore for business - my plane ticket.

Swami has been very ill here in Brindavan. He’s taking illness of some devotee, they say. No Darshan since May 8th (except two Thursdays and one Sunday; three Darshans in ten days). Fever/heart attack/heat stroke etc., all rumors. When He gave Darshan, people told me He looked pale, thin, tired, weak, etc. I haven’t seen Him since May 2nd, before His illness.

Meanwhile He has brought His sick sister (Parvatamma) to Whitefield (the one who previously complained to me, “What use is it of Swami making me sick!”). Also other sister (Venkamma) has been very sick and not coming to bhajans in Prasanthi Nilayam.

My patient Krishnaa (lady from West Bengal) is very ill and her mother has come from Calcutta. One Mandir volunteer hasn’t come for weeks, Blood pressure of 290/190. I'm reeling from all the confusion of all this.

I’ll try to send telegram of arrival – who knows. All for now. See you – maybe.


Om Sri Sai Ram,


(This ends the last letter from my second trip to India, from November 1986 till June 1987. Due to my 6-month tourist visa expiring, I had to leave India and return to the United States. I returned to India 3½ months later, in October 1987, with my mother.)

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