61. Blessed Sadhu Conference - Jan 1987

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Blessed Sadhu Conference

Early January 1987

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Peoples,

Well! How busy it is here in Prasanthi Nilayam, and how hard it is to find time to think even! So unlike Brindavan, where one has soo much time.

Well, Swami was very compassionate this year, on this physical body’s 21st birthday! I did Poornachandra seva that day - it happened to be the Valedictory function of the EHV Teacher’s Conference. I helped direct crowds, from the first ones to arrive to the VIPs that came last (taking front-row places!). I was near the door, so was seen by all the Prasanthi Nilayam residents and was watched by the goddesses – the Mandir volunteers (general Indian population came through a back door, while foreigners, VIPs etc., came through my door).

My place during the function happened to be near Mataji and right at the feet of Swami’s sister, Parvatamma (the younger of his two elder sisters)! You can imagine my delight at being so close and touching a realized soul, throughout the program! Supreme Grace because this place is rarely given to Indian volunteers, let alone a young foreigner - !!

Swami wandered past us when He came – He gave me a look, then up at His sister, then gave an amused Krishna-grin, and went off. :-)

Sai gave a discourse. The sound system was unfortunately quite muffled, so I couldn’t hear much. Anyway, I guess I heard what Swami wanted me to hear. I had nice Darshan from my volunteer-aisle seat. Plus how nice it was to be at His sister’s feet! I felt heat-energy coming from her, like being plugged into an electric outlet (she was sitting in a chair behind me).

We had 1½ day rest and then it was the opening of the Sadhu Conference. Surprisingly, and much to my delight, Mataji again requested us to help direct people inside! Only four of us foreigners were picked as the main volunteers. The other three are very old devotees, coming from 10-15 years! And advanced in age also. Just think, little ole’ me in the company of such special ones, working in God’s house!

On the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th January 1987, I worked from 5:30 AM to 8:30 PM, with a one-hour break only, from 12:30 till 1:30 PM. All Swami’s seva! There were talks all day long, in Telugu, by a panel of sadhus. That was the “conference”! The speakers were really excellent, although I could only understand a few words here and there (they spoke all in Telugu) – still the way they spoke, and the Divine vibrations, kept my attention.

A young girl from a foreign land, put in the “in” crowd of permanent Prasanthi Nilayam volunteers! Very happy. They’re always smiling at me now, saying, “good girl,” etc. See how kind Swami is - He knew how much I’ve always liked them and wished to be accepted by them. :-)

Anyway, anyway, soo many people came for this Conference, it impressed on me how much the Indian people treasured the ancient culture. All day long, Sadhu speakers sat all in a row on the stage, and took turns speaking. Throughout, thousands of people sat through it, inside the Poornachandra and also directly outside, in the fresh air (speaker systems were outside also). How loyal the Indians were!

Swami came twice a day, and sat and listened, sometimes for 20 minutes, sometimes up to 2½ hours. The first day, He sat cross-legged on the stage, in the midst of the sadhus - what a sight - !! After that, He took a place in the chair provided for Him.

All the sadhus were in orange. Most of the gents had shaved heads, only a few with long hair tied up. Most lady sadhus had their long hair tied up in a bun (as older Indian ladies do), very few had shaved heads. This was interesting for me to see, that lady sadhus were not expected to shave their hair.

Swami’s eldest sister Venkamma sat almost unmoving for eight hours a day, listening to the talks! It seemed as if she was in some very high state.

The first day Swami gave all the sadhus a nice strong, orange duffle-bag, and an umbrella!

How can I forget the scene of Him waving away the other volunteers, and specifically asking only for Venkamma and Mrs. Ratanlal (His cook in Whitefield, and long time devotee) to help Him distribute the gifts to the lady sadhus? It struck me that there was a deep, inner significance for them to serve Him with the sadhus, and not the usual volunteers. They ran back and forth, back and forth from Swami (in the midst of the lady sadhus seated on the ground) to the stage (where the gifts were kept in piles), each time able to bring only one umbrella and one bag each. How they were huffing and puffing, especially the over-70 year old sister Venkamma! Swami just looked over at them and chucked, and goaded them on to be faster!

The three days were both draining and exhausting; and at the same time exciting and spiritually renewing! Swami gave the strength to go on, especially for us volunteers who were standing and working 14 hours a day!

There were sooo many people - it was almost like Birthday!

The great Bhagavad Gita was given to Arjuna in this way - Krishna speaking and Arjuna listening. Also another great scripture of India, the Mahabharata was given this way: a saint telling stories of Krishna to devoted ones listening. So, you can imagine the scene in Poornachandra devoted bhaktas (devotees) sitting at the feet of these exalted sadhus, and of Sai when He came to listen.

Swami granted to us two Divine Discourses during this time: one on 2nd January and the other on 4th January. Swami kept saying that the sanyasis should go out into the world and help others in whatever way they could; Swami said that He was prepared to help them in any way He could, in this task.

Well! Many people left, but sooo many are still here! A huge number of new foreigners also. What crowd!

Which brings me to the new “strictly enforced” ashram rule: “NO FOREIGNER UNDER THE AGE OF 35 MAY STAY LONGER THAN FOUR WEEKS.”

I said I arrived 14 December (which is true as Swami was in Brindavan ashram before then) so in a couple of days my one month will be over. What I’ve done is brought in two new people into the room, so they can pay the rent. I only hope I don’t get my “quit ashram” notice like a few of my friends have. I couldn’t live in the village – if I had to leave, I’d go to Brindavan and wait for Him there, or maybe to Anandashram with Mother Krishnabai.

Also they’re continuing to be super-strict on visas etc; they’re always checking. Every time we renew the room rent (every few days), we must show passport and visa, and also show how long we’re been in the ashram thus far!

Anyway, each day I can hardly believe that I am here in heaven, touching the Mandir walls, seeing Swami, experiencing the bhajans; always I feel as if I’ve been transported to Heaven!

Weather is nice (for me), but a big coooold in the mornings. People I recognize are here, coming and going. So many of the residents and volunteers are so nice to me, maybe because of my good habits; I try to always act very proper and disciplined.

All is fine – all is well. As usually after big crowds, all have colds. I have had a sore throat these last two days, and am still fighting it from getting worse.

My old roommates have all gone back to their countries. Now I have two ladies, Claudia and Nancy, in the room – both from San Francisco center.

I am happy – hope all is perfect there!



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