57. Back in Prasanthi - Nov 1986

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Back in Prasanthi

November 18, 1986

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Ones,

Well! I can't believe I'm actually here again, in the ashram, receiving Darshan, settled at the Feet of the Lord!

The trip seemed to take forever. Finally I arrived in Bombay after midnight on 16 November morning. I went straight to the 24-hour reserving office and gave my saaad plight. Here I was, a lone foreigner in desperate need to get to Bangalore on the next flight out. Surprise! They gave me an “open ticket” (stand-by). Then after I pleaded some more, they marked, “Status OK”. Six hours wait in the airport, and then I was one of the first on the plane! Away we were!

The Trip:

12 November – Concord to LA (1 hour) – 4 hours wait

12 November LA to Alaska (5 hours) – 1 hour wait

12 November Alaska to Seoul (10 hours) – 4 hours wait

14 November Seoul to Taipei (3 hours) – 1 hour wait

14 November Taipei to Bangkok (5 hours) – 26 hour wait

15 November Bangkok to Bombay (3 hours) – 6 hours wait

16 November Bombay to Bangalore (1 hour) – no wait, immediately went to Puttaparthi by taxi

On the flight Bombay to Bangalore, I met a gentleman from London who was also going to Parthi (a businessman). He wanted a taxi so I shared the taxi with him. It turns out, all the roads were closed and no buses were running anyway. This was because Rajiv Gandhi was visiting Bangalore, meeting with various heads of state. We had to take a detour.

Anyway, I arrived in Prasanthi Nilayam at 12:30 PM and registered at the office properly. :-) They sent me to the good ‘ole shed (now called “hall”). Birthday season you know, no rooms.

I rejoiced at re-meeting so many gopis who stayed; also the regulars who were coming for B-day. How surprised and happy we were to see each other! Back Home again!

I was met with some sad news too. Since I left, not only the police but ashram office, have been chucking everyone out, “You’ve stayed too long.” One of my friends Rita, a good gopi who has stayed three years, was found to be illegal and was put in prison (Penukonda prison to be exact). She’s been there 3 weeks and is in awful shape. Also three other foreigners are there too.

Two of my very good friends have been thrown out of the ashram for staying too long, although they have visas! One has been here a year and will go back after B-day (moved into village), the other has been here 3 years and doesn’t know what to do. At least SH is still safe and sound, about the only one (of my friends) now safe.

I am happy & grateful that I am now safe and sound and secure in the ashram!!!!! I have a nice place in hall 15/16. My place is twice the size because I am “storing” luggage for an old friend who has discreetly left the hall for the village, so that the ashram does not come to her to chuck her out. Saaad.

I find that I am running errands and bringing things for people who cannot come freely into the ashram. These are the exact same people who helped and sheltered me, when they were fine & legal, and I wasn’t! Such irony. How roles change so fast. It’s such a shock, but a lesson also. God can change everything around in an instant, if He wills OR if the soul’s Will is strong enough (demanding enough).

The torture Sai is making these people go through, though they are so devoted and having Him as their only Goal, for years. Thinking of Him, doing nothing else but sadhana, and now in prison, with no clothes (only one sari), no bathroom, no Darshan. And no chance of returning to India in the future.

Swami is giving Darshan as usual - but even more, because it’s B-day season. Between 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM and 4 PM to 6:30 PM, He comes out as many as 10 times.

The first Darshan He completely ignored me – good sign! :-) The 3rd Darshan He gave me a look – then told a lady nearby in Telugu, “You’re leaving today? No, don’t go!” Nice to hear! I remember my last Darshan, when He said to a lady near me, “Yes, you go!”

Today was a very special Darshan. Sai Geetha came all dressed up. Music was playing, Swami fed Geetha and hugged her, so affectionate! Then Swami gave soo many Darshans to us, standing on the verandah and coming around, He went walking out the gate. Then when He returned, sister Venkamma did arathi to Him, waving coconut then light, then smashing coconut into a thousand pieces. A memory I’ll cherish forever!!

Weather is nice, hot but coolish (for me). Hope you are happy & fine there! I just can't believe I'm here having Darshan of the Lord again.



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