79. More Training by Parvatamma - April 1988

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More Training by Parvatamma

April 10, 1988

Whitefield, Karnataka

Sai Ram Peoples,

Parvatamma’s daughter-in-law (Madras son’s wife) has something wrong in her stomach – some fibroids have grown. She is to be operated on, in Madras on April 15th. Parvatamma received permission to go to help out. Parvatamma’s son & granddaughter (dancer Smitha) came to fetch Parvatamma. They all left on April 9th. They’re expecting me to come on April 14th, when Swami leaves. So, I plan to go.

I am so, so fine. Somehow I am happy when Parvatamma comes. She actually seems to be changing, actually seems to have developed some affection for me. She smiles at me more, lets me stay longer, doesn’t scold me nearly as much, and treats me with much love. Recently when I did something wrong, I became sad when she brought it to my attention. So, I said, I'm of no use, I simply won’t come to Madras with her. Then she gave a long, long lecture to me, on how she didn’t scold me at all; what I did wasn’t wrong at all, just I didn’t know how to do it correctly, it’s no reason for me to get upset. She convinced me to come to Madras. (I notice she scolds granddaughter Smitha a lot, but Smitha simply laughs it off and irritates Parvatamma more, just for fun!)


Sai Ram,


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