46. Madras - Jan 1986

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Madras 1986

January 8 to 23, 1986

Madras, TN

Dear Peoples,

On Sri Sai Ram! Guess who should arrive in Prasanthi Nilayam on the 8th, but Ravi Sankar! On the 9th evening we were treated to a sitar performance by him in the Mandir. Sai came to it and sat for the whole time – about 75 minutes. Later I saw Ravi Sankar walking towards the Canteen – just another devotee in the crowd! His music was fantastic, ethereal, heavenly!

On 14th January it was Pongal (Sankranthi) – Tamil New Year. Sai gave a discourse in the Poornachandra – good because everyone could fit in. Last year it was in the Mandir – only VIPs got in, general population had to sit outside. He was shining, looked blissful. He drew all of us into His aura of bliss. The hall was energy-packed. A wonderful New Year!

For a couple of days afterwards, there were heavy rains so a few Darshans were rained out.

On the 17th January, Sai left for Anantapur for a half-day with His girl students there (a once-a-year treat for them), then was driving onto Madras. I decided no Madras, but would go to Bangalore for a day cuz He was expected to spend the 18th night there, then go morning 19th to Madras. All were packing – remember the Panchalingam Sri Lankan family of four from London? They requested me to go to Bangalore with them so they wouldn’t be traveling alone. Soo, I came. We were nine foreigners on the bus – three German friends, the Panchalingam family, one other and me (public bus).

In Bangalore, they all wanted to take the train to Madras but didn’t know how to go about it. I rushed about the train station with them (knowing about rains cuz of the Northern travels), talking to officials, helping to get their tickets. Somewhere in it all, I ended up getting a ticket for myself also! So to Madras I go!

SH had booked a dormitory in Madras, but she hadn’t arrived yet! She had stayed in Bangalore for a day to have Bhagavan’s Darshan there. So we arrived and I had to convince the hotel that we were in SH's group. I got thrown in charge of everything – forms, deposits, opening dorm, arranging room, etc., etc., etc. More & more arrived that day – I had to get passport info and rent from all, have list of names, arrange for drinking water and non-spicy meals, make rules, help put up clothes lines, help & inform those arriving, on and on! Organizing, organizing, what to do!

Dorm has 17 beds, but it is a big hall and currently 32 devotees are here (all ladies, foreigners) – ones without beds on the floor, as in sheds. There are 2 toilets and 2 bathrooms. Weather is breezy but hot in the afternoon. Nice to be back in Madras – my favorite city!

The dorm/hostel is walking distance from the Sai Mandir (1 mile maybe), so it’s good, don’t have to argue with the greedy, unmoving Madras rickshaws - can walk there instead.

Memories – I can't believe I'm in Madras once again - !! Has a year passed? It seems like a day.

Bhajans at the Mandir here – Sai was expected at 10 AM, He arrived at 11:30. Looked radiant, looked fresh and new, shining. Smiled sweetly the whole time, giving Abhaya, running His eyes over his devotees. He’s talked many times about the devotion of the people of Madras and of Tamil Nadu - all sweetness when He’s in Madras.

That evening we went to Abbotsbury, where Swami gave us His Divine discourse. We (foreigners) got inside the hall for the discourse, but the “general population” didn’t. Interesting leela: before Sai came, I decided I wasn’t following my dharma here in India - felt I should return and do seva in America. So I began planning on what day to reserve my ticket back to USA, how to do it, etc. I was really serious.

Then Sai came - beautiful and shining as usual. What a discourse! I felt He was talking only to me, the whole time! I never heard anything like it before: the entire time He talked only of bhakthi, bhakthi, bhakthi. Usually “seva” follows “bhakthi” but not this time! Only love and devotion. Needless to say, He buttered me up completely with His sweet talk, and my plans to return to America melted away completely. :-)

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