54. Gnats, Flies & Ants in Brindavan! - May 1986

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Gnats, Flies & Ants in Brindavan!

May 25, 1986

Whitefield, Karnataka

Dear Sis,

Sai Ram! It was great in Ooty! Sometimes the weather was cool, sometimes it was very hot. Everyone got sunburned! Now everyone who was in Ooty, has peeling noses, including me. :-)

It seems so far away from the everyday world here. No newspapers, no radios, no TVs anywhere, no people ever talking about the latest movies or TV shows - only talk and action of peace and happiness. The only sadness around is if Sai ignores someone or is someone has to go back to his or her country.

Ooty was really fun. Beautiful green mountains were all around. Ooty is a popular tourist spot, so there were many other foreigners there but not interested in Sai. Plus many Indians on their vacations. Now is the hottest time in India, and summer vacation for the schools (until late June).

I'm sorry my writing may be sloppy, but there’s a reason: I'm back at Brindavan ashram now. I'm sitting under the Darshan tree, waiting for evening speck-Darshan. There are tons of tiny flying gnats that love to sit on eyelids and lips. So with one hand, I'm fanning myself with your letter, and with the other hand, I'm writing! Plus there are many flies. Plus ants are crawling all over - some get into my sari and crawl over my legs! Sai makes sure it’s not all fun and games here, He always wants to know how we’re progressed, how we can handle ourselves and keep our peace in all situations and at all times, no matter what. So I must keep my calm, when tiny bugs are on my eyelids, when flies sit on my nose and ants on my legs, what to do! Life with Sai! :-)

It’s hot here, but at least winds blow. Darshan is nice, when Sai comes at the most He’s four feet away, usually he walks only inches away. His voice is so sweet like a small child’s - when He speaks, it’s almost like He’s singing. One of the things He says most is “Wait, wait, wait,” I hope He’s have me “wait” in India, forever!

Hope all is well with you! I am fine, all is well here. OM SRI Sai Ram!!!




Cultivating Good Habits

June 16, 1986

Whitefield, Karnataka

Dear Parents Etc.,

Happy! I hope all of you are wonderful, happy, hearty, healthy, full of love, compassion and all that is good.

After Ooty, Sai stayed in Brindavan for 17 days. I had one roommate only, a well-to-do Bombay auntie. You would’ve liked her Mom, always doing prayers, listening to spiritual music, getting up early every day to pray then take a walk. She was super-neat, every day sweeping and mopping the room, all clothes always folded, bed rolled up during the day. I seem to pick up the living habits of those I'm with, so I'm not so different as to bother others. So you wouldn’t believe how neat I became! We even washed our clothes everyday, not wearing anything twice.

On May 30th Swami left for Prasanthi Nilayam. We were all craving so much for Prasanthi again!! All the Darshan, no worldliness - only peace and discipline. Ah!

I got a room with Ingrid from Holland (my Ooty roommate). We were so good; we supported each other in cultivating good habits. We got up at 4 AM, went to Omkar, ate brown bread and raw vegetables salads, we even got milk every day (fresh and raw from the local farmers)! Hadn’t had milk in soo long. We became healthy physically and the Darshans! Ah, a virtual feast after Brindavan.

Kids give Sai chalkboards to sign “OM” on. One foreigner lady, age 45, had the wonderful idea of having a chalkboard signed for herself! She got front row and when Sai came, she held it up for Him saying, “Swami, please sign this?” He looked very surprised, raised His eyebrows and in a disbelieving voice said, “For YOU?!” Then He took it and signed it with chalk. Handing it back He teased, “How old are you?!” The game of God sporting in is creation! :-)

On June 13 Swami left Puttaparthi and arrived in Brindavan. It seems there is a program in Madras and from there, He may go to Kodai Kanal. I won't go to Madras again but really would like to go to Kodai!

Anyway, I'm fine and healthy, happy, would like to stay forever here. Things look good now. Sai showers Grace – May all be happy! Peace, joy & love to all!



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