11. Baba Bless! - Jan 1985

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Baba Bless!

January 2-9, 1985

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Family,

Time is blissed out here so I’ll be writing in parts.

Got your letter Mom - this is my letter-writing comment: I write only to give all of you joy. It is thinking of the joy you will feel that makes me write the letters. It gives me supreme joy to think of your supreme joy! The experience of physical SAI is way too great to be greedy with; especially when there are obvious ducklings rite in front of me (all of you!) who could get soo much benefit from the sharing.

I’ve been writing and sharing only a few of the experiences I’ve been having. I was going to say, you wouldn’t believe all the stuff that’s been experienced and that’s happening, the changes; but it just might be possible (you’d believe it) knowing that this body is in the Divine Physical Presence (and for soo long!)

Being in the Presence of SAI is like sitting at the Feet of Krishna: the Power, the Energy is very, very intense if you are open to it and if SAI lets you experience it. This BEING is beyond comprehension. The Power, the love, He is all and yet He’s taken a small physical frame.

When I try to compare just the experience of being in His Presence, I think of Mom, you being alive at the time of Yukteswar and living right there with him; or you Dad, being at the Feet of Lahiri in his littler parlor. Wouldn’t you think you’d simply faint away for the energy, expanding Love, the Presence Itself? Except with Baba, this is IT. He has no guru-personality, or image that He acts in accordance with; when He moves, when He speaks, it’s GOD, it’s not one who is in union with God but is still putting on the guru-play. Everything He does is THAT, which his beyond all, That Who is God. So it’s intense if you know it, recognize it, feel and experience it.

He doesn’t just awe you with Himself; He works on you, molds you, changes you, furthers you, brings you closer and closer through experiences, feelings, etc.

Forgive not any personal stuff. This is to say what you will go through here if He wills it to be so. The experiences you go through personally (especially those who are already deeply onto the spiritual path and therefore are probably open to much much more) are things that are best kept to yourself and your Reality, God…

Don’t know if I mentioned that all the Indian delegates (from the states in India) got padnamaskar from Sai, the ladies got new saris; don’t know if the men all got new clothes also or not.

On the 5th, night Darshan, I got 1st row. I had your necklace Jen and offered it for Sai to Bless. He blessed a lady’s vibhuti packet bedside me (WOW! You should see Him so near, so close!), then just stood right near me, taking other’s letters or something, I don’t know. I was sorta holding up the necklace and He stayed there so I innocently said, “Baba Bless? He looked down and gave it a good, hard stare, then walked on. Personally, I consider it super- charged and blessed already! Every look is blessing it more (this is the 3rd look He’s given it).

It’s really getting intense here, sadhana-wise. It is a great place for sadhana because you’re almost constantly immersed in the Divine. But there’s still the problem that the mosquitoes are out biting at the best meditation times. One nice time to meditate is 10-11 AM, behind the 1st arch, before bhajans in the Mandir at 11. It’s pure shade, nice and cool, and hardly any noise. But even that time isn’t completely safe because Sai usually comes out 2-3 times or more during that time, talking or bringing some person on the verandah in for an interview, going out in His car to check on ashram construction, etc. Enjoyable interruption. Imagine deeply meditating then being called up, “Swami has come!”, getting up to see the Lord Himself in Human Form, standing only 30 or 40 feet away. Somehow after meditation, He seems all the more clear and beautiful, Reality Itself. It’s a beautiful experience. Sigh – SAI!

Wow! what an experience I just had! I just came back from nite darshan (this is the 9th – one-month anniversary of the interview). I got 2nd row. Sai came by… I had the intuition to offer your necklace Sis. Soo, I held it up in my right palm, Sai was right there in front of my row. He blessed something else then looked down at the necklace and gave it a really long, long hard stare. Then Sai put His five fingers and pressed them on my five fingers and said JAI in a slightly gruff-sounding voice. The only problem is, the necklace was on my palm and He touched my fingers! WOW! I’ll never wash my hand again!!

Well don’t worry because, I'm sure Sai was thinking of you Sis, when He stared at it and the Blessing was for it (but for me also). I immediately closed my hand so all my fingers touched the necklace.


The necklace is enclosed. Hope it arrives OK. I'm sure it will, with Ganesha’s and Sai Baba’s Blessings.



PS that Darshan started off with Sai going on the veranda. He was calling different students up and giving them each something. Then each one would touch or kiss Baba’s feet. I was watching all this and thinking, “Moan, I won't try for padnamaskar because it’s not a grab-thing, it’s a personal action and I’d want Sai’s permission, not just to take. But it’s tempting. Maybe Sai was Gracing me with that touch-experience, touching my hand, it was a pretty heavy experience seeing all those students touch his divine Lotus Feet and not being able to do it too…

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