77. Ugadi with Parvatamma - March 1988

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Ugadi with Parvatamma

March 26, 1988

Whitefield, Karnataka

I left Singapore happily – to get back Home. :-) I stayed in Madras two days in Parvatamma’s son’s house (Parvatamma had gone back as she had planned, on March 11th). I was thinking what to do, where to go. I finally decided to return to Parthi for one day to distribute the luggage (for four different people in Parthi, plus five members of Parvatamma’s family).

I arrived to Parthi – with no room, afraid of going back to the office. I went straight as a refuge, to Parvatamma’s room in East Prasanthi. I ended up staying the day there. She was happy to see me (one of her Indian friends was in the room – the friend saw me first and said in Telugu, “Oh, your daughter has come – DAUGHTER!”)

I ate, bathed and took nap in her room, after evening bhajan we took a walk together. Then I went to the office (under her advice) asking if I could stay in the ashram. Chiranjivi Rao told me I shouldn’t come for four or five months - !

Later I asked Parvatamma what to do – she said I should listen to Immortal or they’d be trouble. Chiranjivi Rao’s wife told me I shouldn’t listen to Chiranjivi's words, I should come when Swami comes! Venkamma, when I asked her, also agreed with Chiranjivi Rao’s wife, and said I should come when Swami comes.

Parvatamma let me spend the night in her room (!). She knew Chiranjivi Rao didn’t even give me permission for the night, and yet she gave me refuge! It was very, very nice.

The next day I packed my luggage to go, took a bath and had breakfast with her. I left early for bhajans and saw Venkamma – she was very sweet, looked so delighted to see me, and gave me a second breakfast! I told her all the news of visa, etc.

After bhajans I took my leave of Parvatamma and left on the 10 AM bus. Parvatamma acted actually sad to see me go, and concerned on how I’d survive for four months. She didn’t even say, “Go,” (giving me permission to go), even 15 minutes before the bus was to leave! I’ve never known her to not be able to say “go” to me! I arrived in Bangalore on 19th March, went to Brindavan to find out that Swami had gone to Bombay; He’d return only on the 21st. (He left on March 17). Meanwhile, the Guest House wasn’t open to people coming – only after Swami came. Luckily, Susan Caffery who has permanent room in the Guest House, granted me refuge for two nights (she’s the one who had given the Malaysia visa information).

Sai arrived on 21st morning. Happily, I was given accommodation in the Guest House. They even accepted rent for 10 days! I'm attempting sadhana here even though I’m used to feeling this as a “dungeon pit”. My recent nice experiences with Parvatamma and Venkamma have made me calmer even in this environment.

In Puttaparthi, I had arrived on 18th Morning, Ugadi, Telugu New Year’s day. I had wanted to spend this New Year’s day in Puttaparthi. What does this say for the coming year – with Parvatamma all day and even the night! The day began when I was on the bus to Parthi – then arriving.

Ugadi day Parvatamma asked me to call people to come to her (remember when I was “called” in Brindavan – now I'm calling people!). I also took prasad Parvatamma had made, and distributed it to people Parvatamma had asked me to give it to. So, people knew I was distributing food for/from Parvatamma. Also, surprisingly Parvatamma wanted my luggage to be kept in the main part of her room all day, so whoever came, saw it was my luggage and I was there with her. I guess she’ll stay in the ashram until Sai comes.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu,



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