15. Bombay Continued - Jan. 1985

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Bombay Continued

January 28-31, 1985


Dear Walnut Creekers,

Yes it’s true, Bombay continued. :-)

On the 28th January, we again tromped off and took the bus to Patel Stadium.

Anyway, there at the stadium we got good seats again. Now, the whole field that was used for the play the day before, was filled with like 200 couches, all facing the stage (for really special invitees, I guess). At the head of them, was a small platform with a little white gate around it, and a white chair for Sai covered with a red velvet cloth. Unfortunately, all we could see was His back.

Before Sai came, all the “stars” (the performers of the evening) arrived in their limos, including: Bhimsen Joshi, Sri Yesudas, Smt. P. Susheela, Smt. Anuradha Paudwal, Sri Anup Jalota and Ravi Shaker.

Then the biggest STAR of all arrived! The cameras got nice close ups on the TV so we swung our eyes back and forth between seeing the real Sai’s back and the close-up face on the TV. “GOD ON TELEVISION,” commented Barbara.

Sai actually came all the way down the center isle of sofas – I couldn’t believe His compassion! Then He started waving and smiling to all of us on the bleachers! What a surprise! Soo sweet, He’s really good to us.

Then He sat and the program began. Under the stars listening to heavenly music with the Divine One – Sai Ram!

The camera would most of the time be focused on the stage – unfortunately – but now and then it would zoom on Sai. Sai would pretend He didn’t know, for like 30 seconds or a minute, but then He’d turn and give the sweetest, gentlest most compassionate, unbelievable look in the whole of creation itself – give this smile, put up His hand, and gentle shake His head, “No, no, take the camera off Me.” Maybe the cameraman would’ve been devasted if Sai hadn’t used such a compassionate, gentle way of saying, “no”, the looks, you would’ve believe! Right into the camera - very, very close up, too! Those looks were like in the interview room – that sweet and totally loving. Reminded me of the Xmas evening program, the impact of those looks, indescribable.

The guy before Ravi Shaker was totally and completely blissed out and looked like He had almost zero body consciousness. Sai confirmed that by blissing out to the music. Sai was swaying and swaying back and forth, eyes closed, looking like He was totally into the music. Because His eyes were closed, He couldn’t shoo away the camera guy so easily, soo we got a few nice, long focuses on Sai.

Then Ravi Shaker came on and Sai completely blissed out for him too.

After, as Sai left, the arathi was sung in Hindi as Sai zoomed off to Dharmakshetra and we zoomed off by bus to Hotel Anand.

The next day, the 29th, Swami was to visit this far-off adopted village or something like that, so there was no program at Dharmakshetra. We got info on how to get there – but it was like a 6-hour train ride one way, so we decided it wasn’t worth it. We decided to spend a day of rest to soak up all that had happened and recuperate from the constant activity, hot food, and lack of sleep since leaving on the 18th.

Unfortunately, though, it was a depressing situation because it was the very first day (I believe) since arriving in Prasanthi Nilayam on 14th November, that we wouldn’t have Darshan of the Lord!

Which gives me chance to tell you about this horrid Bombay city – never come here, it’s just awful! The Darshans Sai gives may be great but the city itself is terrible. I’m talking, totally westernization. I’d be so embarrassed if I was Indian, I’d hide my head in shame. At least Madras, the same westernization was smaller and I got such a vibration of friendliness, down-home family feeling there. But Bombay is just a city, just a city.

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