18. Kodai Kanal - April 1985

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Kodai Kanal

April 15, 1985

Kodai Kanal

Dear Peoples,

Well I guess I haven’t written in awhile. Traveling with Baba, you seem to always be busy waiting for Darshan. Here (Kodai) there’s a two-story house for Sai, then a separate house He goes to for meals. Soo, schedule in Kodai Kanal: up at 5:15 AM for shower (four in our room at Jai – or “Joy” as Sai calls it – Hotel, Rs 17 a night) (The four: Anna, my friend from shed 8, SH, Barbara, moi). Go to Sai Kripa (name of His house) at 6:15 AM. Gates are closed, wait outside gate. Around 8:30 AM, Sai goes from His house to the “meals” house; ½ or 1 hour later, cattle-herding, mad rush in. We come early so always get 1st row. :-) Men are like 3 feet away, facing woman. Sai walks in-between, never more than 2 feet away, usually closer. Boy is He a flirt, coming close. He likes dangling His hand in front of your face, to tempt you to grab at it! Some actually do. His fault! And putting His foot right in front of you. People get soo many padnamaskar it’s pitiful.

He walks down, picks people for interviews (in His house). Comes out after, another Darshan then into small house. A bit later usually, car comes and again He walks down line, gets in & goes. Then everyone goes out.

Same story for return-of-car Darshan, around 45 min-1 hour after. Do I wait for it? ‘Course I do. He returns (around 11 AM), gets out inside the gate and will wave, talk, come over to the gate for a moment to give His Darshan. Only 30 or 40, max, people there. Then at noon He walks from the “meals” house to His house (“after lunch Darshan”). To the 15-25 people still there, He might say something like, “Don’t you have a hotel to go to?” or, “Go, go,” or, “Cold, cold.” (Large vocabulary this Sai) (But its wooooooonderful to hear Him talk!) Or He’ll talk in Tamil to some Indians there.

Then, you actually get a break until 1:30 or 2 PM, when you return to claim your space for evening Darshan, (or claim your space in the line to get in, that is). Around 3:30 or 4 PM He’ll walk from His house to the “meals” house. ½ or one hour later, cattle-herding in for Darshan (they let only the ladies in first, men get their mad dash after we’re all settled). Darshan same as morning.

Out in car, back, then, then, a select few of us know about the 7:30 PM Darshan, when He goes from the “meals” house to His house, for the nite. He talks and He throws up His hands a lot, as if to say, “I can't believe these devotees!” Usually He says, “Cold, cold; go, go, go,” but with a smile. Once when only a few of us were there for return-of-nite-car Darshan, he gave a really special Darshan, coming up all the way to the gate and saying, “It’s cold, come tomorrow morning.” Then, He started to walk away, but turned and smiled soo sweetly and waved at us saying, “Good evening, good evening!” You should’ve heard it! :-)

INTERVIEW! April 1st (no joke!) Sai gave to the foreigners, I sat 2nd from His chair. One hour He talked in English on spiritual stuff. People would ask questions and He’d answer. He didn’t talk to me at all. But guess what, He created a necklace for Anna! And guess who were the ones around His chair, holding His Feet the whole time – Anna, SH and Barbara!! Sai Grace. Guess what, someone taped half of the interview and I helped with the transcription sooo, if you want a copy just ask. :-)

At the end, He was searching in all the rooms asking, “Wibhuti bag? Wibhutti bag? Wibhutti bag?” (Indian accent.) Couldn’t find it! That night Darshan, He came out and was giving out the vibhuti packs to all the foreigners. He had skipped me and I was staying silent, then He turned, looked straight into my eyes deeply and said, “Yes, yes,” walked over and gave me 3 packs (He gave an average of 5 each).

Three days later, Sai had all the foreigners do the bhajans - !! We sang in groups (sound carries better). I did two. And guess what, I played the cymbals! (The cymbals and shruti box were the sole instruments.) Sai stayed for the entire time, even the ‘Oms’. I had a great place, 2nd row but on the corner, leading to His house. He looked like He really enjoyed them. People said afterward they were the best bhajan so far. Usually Sai has professional bhajan singers from Bombay or Madras come, but they sing alone so their voices don’t carry well, and no one knows the bhajans.

About April 7th, I got what looked like a bruise on the top of my foot. Then it spread and soon, the whole top of the foot was red and looked swollen. Couldn’t walk on it. Felt nauseas, couldn’t eat. Exhausted, dizzy. Soon foot (right one) was huge red puffball, it had spread to ¾ of toes. Anna asked in Darshan (I was bedridden, missing all Darshans 2 days), “Swami!” He turned and looked straight at her, “Eileen Hospital?” He said, looking straight into her eyes, “VERY HAPPY.”

Soo, I went to the hospital on 9th morning. Two newborn babies with mothers, and three others (two pregnant) in my ward. Loud. Good tapas. By 3rd day, I was feeling more alert, even sitting up. Guess what, infection of the foot. Strep. Anyway, got out (limping) on 13th noon. Came to hotel (friends had picked me up in taxi), found out Sai had just left 20 minutes ago to Ooty! Soo, me packed & hopped onto devotee van. They gave me whole back seat so I could rest my foot – Sai Blessings. Soo, I’m here limping on a huge red & purple puffball. Looks awful!! But today (15th), finally, finally notice small improvement. (Hospital bill for the 5 days: Rs 195.) Ooty’s wonderful. Sai’s soo beautiful! Will write again someday. :-) (Am taking medication for foot). Definitely will be back at Prasanthi Nilayam by 5th May.



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