65. Swami Takes My Sister's Letter

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Swami Takes My Sister's Letter

March 8, 1987

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

I hope you are keeping well, that the Lord is Blessing all of you, in all ways and at all times and on all levels (mental, spiritual, physical). I am quite content and am doing fine.

Everything is going on as usual here. Swami as usual, is giving the lady’s side less attention. Walking far from front row, not taking a lot of letters, etc. But He’s been very kind with granting interviews – to foreigners, Indians and VIPs - to almost all He’s been giving, both groups and individuals. In the past I don’t remember Him picking individuals so often, but now He’s doing it.

Home sweet home. I’ve divided my time so that I have a break from noon till 2:30 each day, free time; the rest of the day, from 3:30 AM till 9:30 or 10 PM, I'm kept busy in one way or the other: meditation or bhajan or learning Telugu (now I'm progressing!) or seva.

I feel this is my home. Now so many of the Indian residents know me. Maybe because my life here is very regulated: I'm in a certain place at a certain time every day. The foreigners aren’t so much like this, plus they don’t go to so many of the activities. But the Indians are very regulated. They smile at me, saying, “Good girl.” Like that, I feel like they’re my family. Happily they accept me, even though I'm a foreigner! It took such a long time to get to this point. One has to prove oneself here, through actions only. Happily, I seem to be passing their test.

Sis wrote to me about her marriage problems. I thought I should somehow outwardly let Swami know about this (because Sis is more of an outward personality, and Swami seems to relate to people, reflecting their own personalities). So I took the letter (to me from Sis) and a picture she had sent me (of her husband, daughter, herself and Garfield doll). I offered the two (picture and letter) to Swami, and thought mentally, “Here Swami, take Sis, take her husband, take their daughter. Take all their problems, solve the problems, and take care of all of them; none of this is on my shoulders!"

It was a big decision to give Him the letter, because I don’t offer letters because He tends not to take them from me. In fact, it’s been one year almost, since I last gave Him a letter.

This day, He gave me front row (March 3rd). He was walking far, and started to pass, turning His head the other way. I was bold and held out the letter. Much to my shock, He stopped, stared deep into my eyes, then at the letter; came close, and gently took the letter and picture from my hand! Then He went off, not taking any other letter from others. So Swami has Sis' letter to me, which begins, “Dear Eileen,” what to do!

Well, I was in the shed for Sivarathri. Then on March 7th rooms were available so I got in Round House 5, D-8. I was worried about the one-month rule, about registering at the office, etc. I just sent my name to the office, with others who wanted a room. Guess what, they actually accepted the slip of paper, and gave me the room with no hassle! (My friends gave me the key, so I didn’t even show my face in the office.) See how Swami takes care!

One German elder lady, a very good devotee; and one American new-age lady (ugh) (excuse me Swami) are also in the room, but the American is leaving tomorrow.

I'm still helping out the Indian (Bengali) lady Krishnaa (9:30 AM till 12 noon and 7:30 till 9:30 PM), happily learning Telugu and starting to communicate with my other “family members” (who only know Telugu).

Om Sri Sai Ram,



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