85. Accept All with Peace - June 1988

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Accept All With Peace

June 25, 1988

Prasanthi Nilayam

Sai Ram Again,

Junie from Singapore has arrived (the one I introduced to Parvatamma, who had given so, so much luggage to Parvatamma and who helped in the scheme to get Parvatamma’s luggage that I brought back from Singapore). I sent the message to Parvatamma through a mutual friend: Parvatamma sent back the message that Junie could come and see her if she wanted, but Divya (me) was not to come, my head wasn’t right! Junie went there and has reported back to me that Parvatamma complained about me, that I was bad and caused troubles between her son and her. Anyway, a relief to me because it’s easier to renounce without temptation! No temptation if I can’t go near her!

I couldn’t help reporting to Venkamma, who was very pleased with the situation. I asked how to renounce the last bit of attachment I have for Parvatamma. She said not to worry, it will just fade away. She laughed and said that I should recall how she treated me, that would help! And Venkamma added that I would be crazy to go near her again. I can see this in a higher sense, the separation between world and spirituality (at one level)! Naturally, Rama (Venkamma) must denounce the demon Ravana (Parvatamma) who has captured wife Sita or Realization (me)!

The same day I got the message from Parvatamma, two things happened: one, Swami gave me front line and nice padnamaskar! Second, I happened to walk past Venkamma as she was watering two small tree-saplings. She called me over and I said, “Because of the love you’re giving, the trees will grow very fast!” She showed me a tiny flower bud on one tree! I was amazed that such a tiny sapling could have a bud already! I said, “See! It’s your love, your love!” She laughed like a child and went to get more water. Suddenly I felt it was symbolic - that with God's love and grace, all things are possible, God can speed up progress. I’ve gotten signs before to this effect.

Which reminds me of the dream I had (with Sai and Venkamma, asking me to soak up water on a plate). I had it a day after Parvatamma came to Brindavan for one day (before Madras happenings). For no reason, even though I only saw her for a moment when she was leaving, she scolded me for something I didn’t do! I was thinking, “This is very mean, without reason or season scolding me!” I felt a bit upset. It was also the first sign I had that Parvatamma had it in for me. Then I had thought that it was a purifying dream.

When you wrote about the ‘8’s you’re noticing in your life, it made me realize how little I notice “signs” here. We strive here to leave and surrender everything to Sai – usually forced by circumstances, but sometimes done on our own during tests! Living each day as it comes. Not worrying about what may be coming or what’s looming in the next second.

I have inherited a thin, cloth mosquito net that I use for a pillow in summer, an extra blanket in winter, and a wet sheet over me on super-hot days.

I’m staying far from serving the Bengali lady Krishnaa and Sri Lankan Geetha, as per Mataji’s orders.

Junie had troubles with one mean-sounding lady in her group. So she moved into my room! She has a huge assortment of food brought from Singapore – this is only hours after I received your letter with you complaining that I probably wasn’t receiving enough nutrients! See how Swami provides. For a week before Junie came, I was only eating two portions of ragi, two limes, two teas and sprouts every day. I only ate a bit for breakfast and a bit for lunch, and lime-water for dinner. Now - overloaded! Just accept all with peace!

On June 20th Swami gave a discourse to some Andhra people. He gave it in one shed and they put mikes outside so we could hear (although I got in at the end, when I found out I could slip in the back door!). It was only in Telugu, no translation, but I could understand some of it (although He spoke fast).

So, I think that’s about all for now. I feel much peace and contentment, but am patiently waiting for Samadhi! :-)

Take care of yourselves, Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.



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