Chapter 27: Vanished into nothing

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Ok, I'm sorry for the slow updated but... I have been over obsessed with Mystic Messengers. Does anyone know it!? I got Yoosung route! I was aiming for Seven's but Yoosung is second choice :) a few more restless nights left of waking up at midnight and 3am left, just gonna not sleep anymore checking 24/7

OH! Did I say we have a cosplay day today and I'm at school, in my full cosplay OF VAMPIRE KNIGHT! it's suppose to be Touya Rima, but the wig failed... ;-; so I decided to keep it out, just go with my normal hair (which is similar to Yuuki's hair) so yeah, now I'm in full Kuran Yuuki cosplay NOT Cross Yuuki ^_^

Is anyone going to Melbourne Madman convention on Saturday? Which is tomorrow? I might see ya there cos I'm going!

Hopefully you like this chapter, so let's just start Nya!
Song: Cotten Candy by CreepP

Third person POV

The rest of the night was silent, the slightest sound of even a single footstep can be heard as clearly as if there was a gunshot. Perhaps this stillness I'd just a gentle signal for the event that might soon follow, but no one will know, as they are all resting, asleep, in their room.

Mitsuki, after the pranks, fell asleep as soon as she come in contact with the comfy bed, as if there is a gravity force on the bed pulling her towards it, shutting the eye like a window blind, tightly as she drift away into the land of dreams.

Later on, at midnight, the clock strike 12:00am, a shadow moves closer and closer towards Mitsuki, soundless as the flow of time never moving...

Not a single soul, human nor vampires, vampire hunters nor youkais, realised. Not knowing such an presence of the mysterious shadow, they calmly sleep in their beds. Without a sound, the shadow move inward to the night class. No one, not even ones with the most sensitive ears will know, who or what this presence is.

Footsteps moved closer and closer to Mitsuki's room, didn't knock and walked in. With a single whisper almost silent.

"I have come for you, my queen, wait for me until that day. Find me. Find the truth. Beware ones around you or is familiar to, you need to know..."

Within a single second, Mitsuki's tired eyes flashed open, only to see a gentle smile that disappeared a few millisecond later. What comes after is a loud piercing scream for help.

Mitsuki POV

"Who, who is that!? I just saw a smile that disappeared! Anyone? Anyone awake? Someone... Please, help me." I cry out, hoping a single person might come.

But no one came.

I feel my eyes starting to water, praying as if I am a nun screaming for the help of a god, only to receive no response. There is not a presence within this room of mine, the shadow disappeared.

I can faintly remember the words the shadow whispered... "I  have come for you, my queen, wait for me until that day. Find me. Find the truth. Beware ones around you or is familiar to, you need to know..."

Why am I the shadow's queen? What is the truth?

Countless questions overflowed my mind causing a slight headache. How I wish I know, but my instinct is screaming do not listen, as if something is telling me something terribly wrong will happen.

Footsteps can be heard by now, moving in closer towards me. I can not quite decide whether it is my comrades or it's the chad oncoming for me. I want to run, to run somewhere far away from this place, somewhere peaceful and quiet. Where no one will be able to harm me or anyone. Perhaps, in a parallel world, there might be, but I can only be certain of one thing by now. Not a single place in this pointless world is safe.

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