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{A/N : this picture is my tribute to a great role model, a persistant woman, and an even better player. She'll be missed. #ThanksHao}

"La sélection féminine des Etats-Unis a atterri ce matin à Paris, Ville Lumière. Leur arrivée a été accueillie en bonne et due forme par une foule de jeunes femmes et hommes brandissant le drapeau Américain. Même si l'USWNT reste la plus grande menace pour l'EFF dans ce tournoi, le public français n'oublie pas l'excellence de cette équipe Américaine qui a fait tant rêvé, ainsi que leur difficile chute dans les Jeux Olympiques quelques années auparavant" the French announcer said, all smiles.

{"The United States women's team has landed in Paris this morning. Their arrival has been cheered loudly by a crowd of young boys and girls waving the American flag. Even if the USWNT remains the biggest threat for the EFF (name of the French team : Equipe Féminine de France) in this tournament, the French fans don't forget the excellence of this American team, who let them dream so much, and also their falling after the Olympics Games several years ago"}


The bus was here on time, wearing the star-spangled banner on every side. The girls just got out of the plane, going though a bunch of supporters, and got on board. Tobin sat next to Allie, as she usually did, and immediately felt her heart warming. Her and Lindsey had played with the PSG several years ago, and being back there was making her very happy. She's always loved France, the people's mentality, and most of all the team itself. She knew Lindsey was feeling the same, and that Allie - who also played in France before them - also had a kick in the chest seeing the city's landscapes. 

Kealia, who was sitting next to Moe, cracked a smile. 

"That's amazing" she breathed out, watching the Eiffel Towel raise onto the sky. 

Moe nodded. The truth was that she wasn't feeling that great. This whole cold there was between Cari and her was hurting her very much. So she took her phone out of her pocket, and used the bus WiFi to send a text to Cari. 

She sighed. 


 Let's stop this meaningless war. I miss my friend. 

She saw Lindsey looking on Cari's screen, and then giving her a thumbs up. Several seconds later, she received Cari's response. 

I missed you Bean. 

Moe's heart missed a few heartbeat, but she didn't care. She couldn't have gone into this tournament being mad at her friend. No matter how strong her feelings toward her had become, she couldn't risk everything for them. 

Meanwhile, Stephanie and Kristie were sleeping. The brunette's head was resting on the blonde's shoulder, as they both fell asleep right away. Their relationship wasn't official yet. It was, but only for the Mewis family - who welcomed Stephanie in their family with both arms opened, especially Sam - and not for their teammates, even though a lot of girls suspected them to be a thing. Even Mark knew they had something, but he didn't say anything because he knew they were focused. 

Moe was looking at them, when her phone buzzed a second time. She looked at the screen and her throat turned sore. 

From : TheGreatHoran

If you hurt her I hurt you 

She looked at her friend, who was kindly smiling at her. She knew Cari was like her sister. As much as Moe and her were best friends, she knew Lindsey considered Cari as her sister, her ride or die. And Moe knew she meant it. She nodded, and went back to focus on the city they were driving through. 

They were going to left Paris right away, for a 4 hours and thirty minutes drive to Strasbourg, where they were expected to play against Brazil for the first match of the group stage. They had a full week to get ready for that big face-to-face, that would be crucial to know if they'd continue the adventure.

Kealia seemed as stressed as Moe was. 

"As much as I love Andressa, I'm not looking forward to play on the same field than her again" she said, responding to Moe's caring look. 

That made the younger girl laugh. Poliana and Andressa had been playing for Houston for quite a while, until Poliana had so stop playing because of a terrible back injury, while Andressa decided to go back in Brazil to live with her boyfriend. Moe had always liked her, but she was scared to death. The Brazilian team was better than four years ago. 

Moe giggled. 

"At least Marta isn't playing anymore" she joked, and that made the blonde burst into a silent laughter. "That would've been hell." 

"Yeah" Kealia let out, thoughtful. 

There was a little silence all of a sudden, that Moe filled immediately. 

"Can I ask you a personal question ?" 

Kealia frowned. She wasn't used to being ask this question, nor seeing Moe whisper and being all secretive and stuff. 

"Sure" the blonde said, smiling. 

"Do you have a boyfriend ?" 

Kealia let a small relieved sigh out, rolling her eyes. "No". 

"A girlfriend, then ?" 

"No, Moe, I'm single" she said, laughing. "Why ?" 

"Just so I know" the younger girl said, smiling. 

She turned her head to face the window, as they were already leaving Paris. She was hoping that they'd be able to play there the day of the Final.   

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