Silence and Solitude 2

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25 Jun 2016  3:22:43 PM 
After five days here since I arrived, I feel so comfortable now with my own silence.  I appreciate every single minute that I am here, I take advantage of my prayer, my painting, my journal, my rest, my eating and drinking.  I am very much aware of the little thing that I am doing, thanks God!

When you are in deep solitude, you have more time to think and reflect.  Really, you appreciate that God has given you the intelligence, it is a great tool in moments of solitude.  We don't see things well when we are always stress with work and with the crowd, especially that I am a full time office worker and also in ministry, morning and evening. 

I am happy that I don't have the Internet, no connection with people, no texting and other social media.  I will sustain, I will get used to this lifestyle.  It is nice when you don't feel obligated to send messages or be able to answer anything.  Facebook is actually livable without it.

For days now, I have been reflecting what my life would be when I go back to Manila.  I will tell Fr. Miguel the truth- that inasmuch that I love to leave and stay in solitude, I would love more to go back to the mission and work day in day out, and yet, still live in silence as i was doing in the past.

The truth is that I would like to end my work as Bursar and Administrator, do what the Father General told me, to join the Comboni Year in Rome, and go for rotation or back to the mission.  I supposed I have rendered a good time in Asia.  Next year will be my fifth year, and the Comboni Year is my sixth, enough to complete my term. 

I don't want some more stress with World Mission Publication.  I have had enough, and it is giving me enough pain.

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