Day 28 Gifted people forgives

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17 Jul 2016  4:50:23 AM GMT+8 

We had really a nice meal last night.  I am still very flattered by Gene's kindness and generosity.  He haven't changed since we met last 1996.  I see his spirit always alive, especially now with his semi hermetic lifestyle.  I feel envy, but I also know I have my own way of expressing my solitude. 

Woke up very early for Gene also left early.  He promised that he will be around for my departure.  He will come with some friends and they will visit Lupon, MARYUMA hermitage.  After they left, we had our rosary and the lauds.

10:30 am

We have agreed to go to the beach for breakfast.  We brought some food and I just bought fish there to grill.  The water was not really appealing to me.  I decided just to keep watch of our things in the cottage.  They did not have anything really.  From fare to food and drinks, they relied on me.  But that is ok, that was another treat to them as I always love giving them special treats.

The sun was really strong for me.  I felt weak right away, especially that we had to walk a bit farther.  When we reached home, I immediately feel asleep.  I was so tired even if I did not swim.  When I woke up, it was already noon.  We had our lunch after.  I wanted to get another rest, but I had a bit of headache.  My body is no longer of the youth, and I am always careful with my food now and the surroundings.

A lady came to clean my nails.  At first, she sounded a bit strict, but when she realized that I am a priest, she became so friendly and talkative.  I realized that we are both Boholanos, just neighborhood town from our place in Maribojoc.  She is really good in cleaning, so attentive to little things, but when she started taking out the hard skins on my toe nails, I shouted of pain.  It has been months that these were not cleaned, so hard and painful.  She did so well, and she thoroughly cleaned everything.

We had another nice mass, sharing this time of the Martha and Mary in us.  I gave a reflection of the Gospel and how people favored Mary, setting aside Martha.  They have understood that there is a need of the two personalities in us, especially here in D'Sanctum.  I love their reflection. They really are growing deeper.

On the table, while eating, I was just hearing about their family experiences.  Br. El, shared painful memories with his father.  When they were little, they used to be thrown out by their father through the window.  My God, I was so horrified thinking about this attitude.  Novella was beaten to death many times by her stepfather, in front of her helpless mother and younger siblings.  Up to now, she suffered breakdown, she just cries, she dreams and cries a lot because of their abuses.  Kenneth is the same, a battered since young by his stepfather, the grandfather of Novella.  He was full of hatred and revenge, that one day, unable to control anymore, beat the stepfather back and the stepfather of Novella.  Now they are so open to share this one, as if they have moved on, given pardon and little by little have forgiven those who are hurting them.  I melted because of their deep capacity to move on.  God bless these people!

As part of our socials, we watched Blood Diamond, starring Leonardo de Caprio.  There is so much beating there, so much killing, torture and mutilation, that Novella was unable to focus in watching.  She said she is reminded of so many things at home!  Poor girl!  Now she is okay about it!

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