Day 17 Self-study in solitude

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6 Jul 2016  6:23:44 AM 
Woke up very early for the rosary.  Again this is always a treat for me.  I hope I would be able to sustain this even when I will be in Manila.  My timetable there would be completely different.

We had our rosary in a small hut, which was designed also as an altar.  It is very nice, fresh and soothing.  The only problem were the mosquitoes, so many!

I had a great time in my silence.  I studied a little bit of Italian from the USB that I bought 4 years ago.  I have forgotten completely my Italian, so I have to go back to the basic.  I hope I would be able to do the Comboni Year next year and then go back to the mission or do rotation to another provinces.

I helped in preparing for lunch when suddenly Mark and his wife arrived.  They are the endorsers of the soap that D'Sanctum is making.  Unfortunately, we cooked very little and I was just grilling small fish.  I was a bit embarrassed, but he liked to stay in the dirty kitchen and chatted with me.  We had a great time sharing.  They brought some adobong manok, so we had nice food on the table.  Mark is a very talkative type of person, so he was talking the whole time, but at the same time, enjoying the grilled fish.

We packed 1300 pieces of soap.  He had finished the first 300 that he brought last June 30.  Now, he has more retailers, that they are so eager to sell more.  They like the soap and they themselves promoted it to their friends.

6:30 pm
I stayed in the chapel after my really nice siesta.  I slept so well and in fact it was late.  I guess I was a bit tired packing the soap.  I just meditated on the gospel and then for my personal silence.

We had a nice mass, another sharing mass.  We contemplated on the meaning of our names and the strength that our names carry.  Of course it was a bit difficult for Kenneth and Novella, but they have tried to love their names as they hated it when they were young.  Bro. El was more consistent in interpreting his name Leonardo.

What I like most of their sharing is the second point of reflection.  What authority or gifts that God has given us, and how it affects our personality?  I like the depth of their reflection, specially connecting it now with the new life in D'Sanctum, the peace and silence and the prayer.  Little by little, they have learned to embrace their brokenness especially about their troubled family life.  The three of them have very complicated family situations.

I hope this will continue, and I hope they will continue to anchor themselves into the Lord.  There is still so much to be done in their formation.

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