Solitude and silence 3

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Silence is not always golden, it says.  There are always distractions even if you seek for solitude with God.  Here in D'Sanctum, there is the community life that I have to adjust.  They have the hora et labora, soap making that I also have to participate.  I cannot just confine myself in my room to mean solitude.  But I am happy here, surely.  I was able to rest, do my own prayer and my own timetable.

Coming from that very busy life in Manila, I have come to D'Sanctum to rest my mind, my body and my spirit.  I guess I am doing that.  I have entered wholeheartedly with that.  As I have said the the Delegate Superior, I was so tired and exhausted, that I was feeling worn out in spirit. And by now, I have revived my spirit, but again, to reiterate that the work of Administration and Bursar would not be my priority for the next term.

I am asking to the Lord for enlightenment.  Now, I am resolved that solitude for ever is not my priority.  I can do it in the mission too, therefore, I will ask to go back to the mission.  I will start from there.

Here at D'Sanctum, I have buried my vanities completely.  I have been using only four shirts alternately, one pair of jeans and two short and five pairs of underwears.  I am staying in a very poor hut, very simple lifestyle and very poor environment.  But this is what I asked of God.   He is answering me back.  I was expecting poorer than this, more silence than this and more solitary lifestyle than here.  But this is all ok.  I have seen how the Lord works in ways strange to my sight and feelings.

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