Day 10 Fruits of our labor

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30 Jun 2016 6:03:58 AM
I did not sleep really well. I asked Kenneth to give me massage on the back, which was very soothing. Since Kenneth is sleeping at the other side, he uses mosquito killer, and the smoke really disturbed me the whole night. Until now, I feel really bad, I am having flu and my sinusitis is triggered. I am having headache too, which I hope will not trigger my migraine. But of course it was because it has been years and years that I have never used mosquito killer, the reason for my coughing. No problem, it is needed at the moment.

10:11 am
I washed the blanket and other things after breakfast. Then we removed the newly made soaps from the molders so that they get dry and we started packing again. I repeat again that I love their simplicity, their hard work and their contentment in life. May the Good Lord bless them abundantly.

My headache became worst, so I decided to have a little sleep. I took also some neozep for the flu. I slept a little, but this is not enough. I need to have more to recover my sleepless night. I am not feeling really well and I have also pain at the back of my head down to my neck.

Since they were in a rush to finish packing, I helped them for the goods are to be taken by lunch. We had a great time actually, because as we were packing silently, we also watched the oath taking of the new president, Rodrigo Duterte. I like the whole ceremony. I love also his speech, not like in the past that he was very strong and swearing a lot. This time, Digong was very composed and very organized.

While we're having lunch, Mark and his wife arrived to collect the finished product. He brought with him the final touch, small, glossy and elegant boxes for each individual soap.

We had lunch together. I realized that he was also a former seminarian. Now he is teaching and same time doing his doctorate in Philosophy. By November, he will also take the Bar exam. He seems to be very nice person. He is the one promoting the soap and he is doing marketing everywhere. He made 4000 initial order. Yesterday, he brought 300, fully packaged. I hope this business will go on, as this would be a big help to D'Sanctum.

I lost my siesta for helping them, but I am more than happy for what I did. I am trying to assist them as much as I could. At the same, they also assisted me in so many ways.

I decided just to stay in the chapel for my personal silence. Every time I sit down, it enters into my mind right away that the mission is my life, and that I always have the opportunity for silence and rest, than the busy life in the Philippines, trying to get an output, running after masses and ministries and full time office works. I feel the pressure and the stress. I am almost like worn out.

We had a very nice mass-sharing in the afternoon. I feel like they are now blooming, coming out in their sharing, articulating their emotions. I see that they are raw materials themselves for prayers, as they also have more time to pray for us. Kenneth is more expressive and emotional, which is really a very good sign and healthy spirituality.

Personal silence is always respected, the work becomes a prayer, and this is what amazes me really.

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