Our Table Directives

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The Hermitines First duty is to God, the source of life.  God alone is worthy of all attention, love, praise and adoration.  the Hermitines seek solitude not as an end in itself, but for God.  God is to be loved a over all for His own sake.  In this way, the Hermitines fulfills God's greatest commandment of love:  " To love the Lord our God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength."


The spirit of Eremitical life is the Spirit of Humility and love working in the heart of Jesus, who instructs us over and over again.  "Learn of me for I am gentle of heart, your souls will find rest."  This resting in the heart of Jesus is the restfulness of the kingdom of God, a foretaste of the heavenly and eternal kingdom.

The Hermitage is not a place to do as one pleases, but to lose oneself and be available to Him.  A Hermitines'  is never he or her own, doing what he/she wants or as he/she pleases, which is the spirit of the world, but always doing the will of the Father.

The Hermitines'  life is of simplicity and singleness of purpose.  The Hermitines' complete orientation in the hermitage(whether at work, prayer, eating, sleeping etc.) is directed towards God, seeking Him in all things so that one's whole life becomes a praise of His glory.

The Hermitines life is one of fewer words and becomes one of active listening in one's heart.  The realm of human heart is the meeting place between God and the Hermitines.  Silence is essential to maintain the integrity of the heart.  Therefore, this sacred friendship with the Lord is best nourished by silent presence to Him and His alone.

The Hermitines life is one of hospitality". It is that quality or disposition which treats others in a warm, friendly generous way.  A Hermitines cheerfulness is a sign that God's graciousness is flowing in his/her life.  Thus, whenever any pilgrim comes to our Lavra, he/ she is in our midst.  If he/she does this to other pilgrims, how much more to his/her co-Hermitines?

Joyfulness is the characteristic of feeling and expressing deep happiness and enthusiasm.  As an attitude of the spirit, it can permeate even in the most sorrowful situation.  We we open ourselves to joy, we lit in light, laughter and strength and grace.  Joy celebrates beauty and goodness, inviting us to dance without demanding or expecting anything.  Sometimes, joy is quiet and hidden and sometimes p, it bursts out in song and movements or in the act of creation.  Joy is a cult overflowing that generosity shares itself with all who are near.  When we are joyful, we are exposed but unafrsid, consciously offering the gifts of energy, hope and inspiration.

A Hermitine is able to show gentleness.  Gentleness means recognizing that the world around us is fragile especially other people.  It is recognizing our own capacity to do harm and choosing instead to be tender, soft-hearted and careful.  When we are gentle, we touch the world in ways that perfect and preserve it.  The word or touch can channel our energy into healing or making peace.

Unity is when we come together with other individuals or group to form so,etching greater than any of us.  Unity gives a sense of being part of something larger than ourselves.  Unity is built around a common purpose- a harmony of interest if it's values create a shared identity, synchronizing efforts to attains things together.  In unity, the joy of one is the joy of all, and the hurt of one is the hurt of all.

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