Day 13 Solitude 3

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2 Jul 2016 8:50:49 AM
In the world today, there is more loneliness than solitude. People always think of solitude as being unhappy, not knowing that getting time only for yourself leads into better communication. As I have said, I feel very happy here, even in the most simple lifestyle. There is so much material absence in my life during this month of isolation, but I gained more in terms of dependence, of attachments and relying on God's providence. I don't have any compulsion to update my Facebook account. I am very much contended.

I am very comfortable. When Fr. Gene asked me how is my stay in D'Sanctum, I immediately replied that I am enjoying every minute. It is more on silence, solitude, work and pray with the community. I never miss any office works or the ministries in big parishes, outings and meals outside. I wish this life would be like this forever. But I have a congregation to face and a mission to do. I am very resolved, as I have prayed and thought about it many times, that office works are no longer suited for me. Enough of World Mission Magazine. I will go back to the mission and spend my life in quiet after busy works of the day.

This is a very sad realization, but I guess what is sucking my energy is the busy life with very little time for prayer. There is always that thought that I have to produce something, that I have to meet the quota, reply to complaints, deal with people, accounting and more. I don't want to deal with money anymore. All my life, I was dealing with money and administration. I just want to be a simple priest, even in a place unknown to many and less travelled by a lot of missionaries.

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