Day 26 Reflection

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15 Jul 2016  5:01:02 AM
Got up so early, it was still 3:58 am.  I just couldn't sleep, so I remain lying on bed at first, my mind wandered to many places, people, events and circumstances.  Now that I am here, waking up early is something like spiritual, reading, reflecting or writing.  It has become automatic to do this when I am awake.

I was very early too for the rosary.  Kenneth led the prayer.  It was very dark and we just had a candle.  I love this prayer always.  Mama Mary is really making herself close to me in this time of solitude.

9:58:27 AM

I spent part of the morning continuing my evaluation.  Silence has helped me to reflect, rethink and recollect.  As I was also rereading my journals, I was seeing many beautiful things going on in my life in this period.  The Lord is really so generous to me in this aspect, especially intimacy with Him.

12:15 noon
I was in the chapel earlier, as I was doing my personal silence.  Actually, I was not doing at all.  I just love to be there, looking at the trees around and listening to the voices of God's creation.  I love just looking the small statue of the Blessed Mother and the Blessed Sacrament.  Many times, in the chapel, I was just losing words before God.  I just stare the altar and others things in front of me, especially the Tabernacle.
I know that He is also looking at me in a very special way.

After lunch, we made soap again.  I am just the assistant or helper.  I arranged the newly filled molders, assisted Kenneth on the table.  They do the major works because they know better.

After lunch, with Kenneth, we went to Panabo City to buy something.  This time, I had to buy bioderm ointment for my mosquito bites.  They look so horrible by now because the bites are increasing everyday.  The off lotion did not really work.  I bought also an extra reading glasses for Kenneth.  I will give it ho him before leaving.  Kenneth is not materialistic.  I tried to buy something for him but he refused.  I know that he loves long sleeves or sweatshirts, but he refused completely, which I admire, that is out of his simplicity.

We took some burgers and ice cream float for snacks. I bought also pizza for the community.  They were so happy.  I have seen that kind of joy before eating. We all wanted to get photos with it.

We had another beautiful mass, sharing ones reflection.  We reflected on hypocrisy.  I love their sharing, as it is one of the main struggles, even when inside a formation or in silence.  I was some reminded of  an old classmate in the past, that mad scholastic who was with me in London.  His pride was beyond compare.  His was complete madness!Sorry Lord!

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