Day 8 Community Outing

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28 Jun 2016 3:54:54 PM
I was on time for the 5:00 am rosary. I always take advantage moments like this for I don't have them when I will be in Manila. I have early masses, then we have prayers and then office the whole day.

I tried to practice the "Emptying of Self Meditation". I have read from a spiritual guru, that actually we could empty ourselves in praying, and just to allow that emptiness to be filled by thoughts and enlightenment from above. I don't know if I succeeded, because I slept, and it was complete emptiness. Amazing, though I slept, I feel my senses were active. It was just my mind that was shut! It was refreshing actually.

We had hora et labora again, an this time, it is still on wrapping the soap. Sr. Angie was happy though a little bit frustrated because the buyer, Mark, called that he will come in the 30th yet, instead of today. On other hand, she was also happy because we haven't finished packing, and the two days would mean more packing.

Since Sr. Angie will leave for her holiday on the 30th, I suggested to go out for lunch outside, as my treat for the community. They were so excited. We packed the work and prepared ourselves.

We went to Panabo City, Gaisano Mall for lunch. I wanted to bring them to a nice restaurant, but they preferred to have lunch at Mang Inasal, for a whole leg of chicken each and unlimited rice. We ate a lot. Then I also ordered a big halo-halo for each each one and noodles. They complained for too much food in the stomach. It was a good bonding. I came to know them just a week ago, but we all have a very nice relationship. Their respect to me as a guest priest is very amazing too. I am really well taken cared, though I tried as much as possible to be just an ordinary member, companion and brother.

We roamed around after. There were some sales, and I asked each one to choose whatever they like, jeans or shorts or shirts, one each. They could not believe. I know that Br. El has very little and they are so old, torn sometimes. I have seen him the way he dresses everyday. Kenneth is the same. Their simplicity is pure inspiration to me. He could not read well also because of eye problem. He has a reading glass but broken, so I bought one for him. Novella is the same, she has very simple and old blouses and jeans. Sr. Angie is another simple Hermitine, and she chose one for her. She preferred a soft jean for her travel. They were so happy!

On our way, they were thanking me, but Sr. Angie repeatedly asked me if I still have some money, as I am spending for their community this past days. I just smiled back. I have more than enough, and seeing them vey happy, it made me more happy.

After siesta, I went to the chapel for the 3:00 prayer, or the Divine Mercy. After so many years, it was my first time to do it again. Really, this silence that I am asking has brought me back home, my spiritual home, my inner being, my inner sanctuary. I had more time of silence after the prayer.

We had a sharing mass this evening, and the gospel was about Jesus calming the storm, waves and the sea. I related to our real life, the storms that we face everyday in our lives.

The sharing went deeper, as most of the Hermitines and stewards are facing really stormy lives since youth. They are now able to articulate their emotions, the struggles of forgiveness and peace. The sharing helps them to come out peacefully, unloading the heavy feeling. It is a form of healing, everything put into prayer.

As I reflected on them very silently, I guess the Lord has a purpose of putting me here. For this month, it is like i am their spiritual father. It is amazing how it effected joy and peace in their faces.

After dinner, we continued wrapping soap. Then it was only me Sr. Angie who were left as they had meeting with the Br. El, the adviser of the stewards. We just worked silently, glancing at the television once in a while. When work is done in silence and dedication, it also bear fruit, a hundredfold.

I find it very amazing really. My busy life does not give me this kind of opportunity.

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