Part 41:The Department of Mysteries Continued

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She felt like she was drunk. Her feet tripped over each other and her world kept falling sideways before picking itself back up again. She couldn't see anything properly, it moved so quickly or maybe it was all in slow motion, she didn't really know the difference. Her whole body tingled like it was electrified or maybe she wanted to sleep.

The only thing tying her to reality was the hand pulling her forward and the voice shouting back at her, "Amy! Come on, you have to run faster! Stupefy! We're almost there, we're almost safe. Stupefy!"

In the Hall of Prophecies a streak of green light hit Ginny Weasley in the arm but she didn't even feel anything. Without thinking she turned and ran while the Death Eater looked confused down at his wand.

In the Time Room, Amelia Merlin collapsed on the ground.

"Amy!" Oliver screamed. "Stupefy!" he shot the spell over his shoulder and muttered a few more incantations so they were secured in the room by themselves for the moment. "Fuck." he whispered under his breath. "Amy?"

Her eyes remained shut but he could see her breathing. Oliver ran his fingers through his hair and swore again. The only person who would know what to do right now was lying in a pile on the floor at his feet. He crouched over her like an insane gargoyle. His head whipped around as he heard voices nearing the door. Swearing again he picked her up and threw her over his should like a sack of potatoes. He knew she would not appreciate being held like this and there was something unceremonious about carrying a queen like this but Oliver decided maybe chivalry wasn't his top priority. The door opened behind him and a streak of red light passed by his head. Oliver ran faster, knocking over a grandfather clock as he neared the exit. His only fear was that he would hit Amelia's head on something and she would die from a simple stupid accident.

"It's okay, Amy. We're going to be alright." he felt her moan and twitch viciously which made her hard to hold on to.

In another room, Neville was wondering how he was still alive after having a pretty nasty hex hit him square in the face and all he got was a bruise on his cheek.

The doors in the Entrance room spun again for Oliver and Amelia. His breathing was starting to come much faster and shallower now. She might be small, but carrying another person was still a lot of work. He could hear voices and crashes outside. It was strangely comforting, knowing the fight was far away from him but at the same time it filled him with an unquenchable fear. He bounced slightly and turned his eyes up to the ceiling, praying to something to keep him safe if it was for even one more moment. The doors stopped and Oliver took a step forwards, he tried turning the handle but it was locked.

"Why won't you open?" he whispered at it. "Please, it's not for me, it's for her-" he kept twisting and the door creaked open. Oliver walked in, without looking around he lay Amelia down on the floor and stretched his shoulder. His wand lay beside her head, her nose breathed moisture onto it and the drops mixed with the sweat from his hands. Oliver sighed and sat down with his legs crossed facing Amelia. He leaned over and pushed the hair out of her face. "Oh god, what are you doing to me?" he whispered.

The boy with the burnt umber hair took his first look around the room they were in. It was mostly empty like the brain room or like the archway room. In the middle stood a well made from stone. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. Steam rose from the well in swirls and it enticed him enough that he left Amelia's side and went to look at it. He stepped slowly across the smooth floor until he reached the well. It's grey stone encased a mother of pearl coloured liquid.

It smelled wonderful. It smelled like raspberries and chocolate, it smelled like his mom and his little brother. He could smell the ocean in it. But there was something else there too, he couldn't describe it whatsoever yet he knew it so well and it was the most overpowering scent of them all. He wanted to sit here forever and breathe in the fumes. This delectable liquid was all he ever wanted, it was all he ever could want in life. But it was more than just a desire, it filled him with such joy and simultaneously he felt very very sad because he knew he couldn't stay here.


The steam was so beautiful, spiraling, twisting around like ballerinas.


"Shit." he turned around quickly and forced a smile on his face. "Amy, darling, how are you?"

She sat up and cringed slightly. "I'm alright. How are you?"

Oliver couldn't believe her. "Me? You're the one who can't stay awake. We too boring for you?" he teased and she rolled her eyes at him which only made Oliver smile more.

"Shut up."

He snorted and then took a more serious position. "I don't know how long we can stay in here." As if on cue, they could hear shouts around them, bangs and crashes and screaming.
"Are you going to be alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." she smiled and stood up. He was impressed how well she could hold on her own.

"What happened back there?"

"It's a bit complicated." Amelia sighed and pulled her hair so it was all behind her back, out of her face. "Tell you later?"

"Sure. What do you want to do now?"

"I guess we go join the others." she turned and moved for the door. In two steps Oliver was there standing in between Amelia and the exit. "And just what exactly do you think you are doing there?" her eyebrows raised at him.

"You don't have to go. You've done enough. I think we should leave-" she could barely stand up straight but her eyes told another story.

"Yeah you've got about half a second before I knock you unconscious and carry on with saving my friends." she smiled sweetly.

Oliver nodded and stepped out of the way. "After you, your grace." he bowed slightly which made her laugh which in turn made his heart fall out of his chest onto the floor. She skipped out of the room and before leaving Oliver said, "Amelia?"

"Yes?" she turned and he was so struck by her. He remembered when The Eye, that creepy little thing, said she was the girl with golden hair and ocean eyes. She was so damn beautiful.

"I don't think we're ever going to be able to get back into this room." he gestured to the place behind him. Amelia smiled and took a bouncing step towards him.

"I know what's in that room, and can I tell you something about it?" Oliver nodded and she said, "That room is the last place where they should keep it. You should forget about it. Okay?"


"Let's go save our friends." she smiled again. How could she always be so happy? Then the girl with golden hair and ocean eyes lead him to the Entrance room where the doors spun and stopped. Then they went to go save their friends.

A/N Hey guys! So I know you're all really busy but I would love some feedback from you! It's been a while since I heard your thoughts on how the book is progressing. I really value all the input I can get and take it into consideration when I'm writing things. So please, tell me what you're liking, which plot lines you're enjoying, things you would like to hear more about, things you wish were left out because they're boring, things that are confusing or don't make sense! I can't wait to hear what you guys have to say!!! Please and thanks!

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