Part 42: The Battle of the Department of Mysteries

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A/n Just a quick reminder that if you haven't started reading my other book THE SECRETS OF AMELIA MERLIN then I highly recommend it. I think it provides a really cool insight into the story and it allows you guys to see all the thinking and research I do. Most things are not random, it all has a purpose. Also the writing at the very end is done like that on purpose to portray certain emotions. Enjoy this chapter! It took me a really long time to put together and it is probably the longest chapter I have ever written.

Amelia could remember a story her brother told her once about a boy and his father. They were imprisoned but the father was a very smart man and he made them wings so they could fly. The wings were gold and sealed together with wax. When they opened the window and soared away from their capture the boy was overcome with joy. He flew so high and free that the sun melted the wax keeping his wings together and he fell to his death.

"Do you know the point of that story?" Jeremy asked and she shook her head. "Don't fly too close to the sun. Don't do things you aren't capable of just because it feels good. Never forget what you can do and what you can't do. That is what will keep you from dying."

Years later as Amelia stood in the room with the archway she realized just how out of her depth she was. These Death Eaters were full grown wizards who would not hold back just because they were  fighting children. A week ago she had written her OWL exam, a day ago she had been flirting with her boyfriend on the sunny green fields, why on earth did any of them think this was a good idea?

Neville lay on the floor at the feet of Bellatrix Lestrange as she tortured him, her laughter only drowned out by his screams. And five Death Eaters stood around Harry. Lucius Malfoy had is arm outstretched while Harry stared at the orb in his hand. Amelia looked at Oliver and through everything, through the dark and the evil and the hate, he gave her the smallest of smiles. It was like when a small child gives someone a piece of their artwork, it's really only the thought that counts.

"Shall we go save our friends now?" he whispered and she nodded.

"Take my hand." she held it out and without question he did as she asked. Amelia turned on her heel and desperately thought about the Atrium where they had arrived in the Ministry. In a pinch they were there, Oliver looked confused around and started to stutter.

Amelia let go of his hand and said, "I'm sorry." Then turned on her heel and went back to the room with the Archway. It took only a moment for her to enchant the door so he wouldn't be able to come in. She looked around and saw more people had joined the fight since she had left. She didn't recognize most of them but they seemed to be fighting for Harry. She ran down the steps, hurtling along, until she reached the bottom where most of the battle was happening. She watched streaks of light flying past her and felt the ground shake beneath her.

Amelia didn't know exactly how she did it but in her palm a fiery blue ball of electricity started to build, she hurtled it at Dolohov who was chasing Harry and Neville around the room. He fell to the ground and she didn't see him move again. She shot curses around the room and set stones on fire whenever a Death Eater came near her. Countless times she had to stop what she was doing and move the air around so it caught Neville as he lost his balance. She desperately tried to get closer to Harry to protect him but he was constantly surrounded by Death Eaters and it was too difficult, she would never be able to get rid of all of them at once. But Amelia was never one to take the easy road so she walked towards the one person who needed to be wiped out more than anyone.

Bellatrix Lestrange was a warrior that much was clear. Her wild black hair and mad eyes were fearsome, making her look like a deranged lion. She cackled and danced around as she shot curses around the room, but then she would growl and her face contorted in rage as she aimed to kill anyone who was considered an enemy of her Lord.

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