Part 56: The Invincible Hero and Loneliness

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"I'm the reason his family is dead!" she argued. "I don't understand why you're so against this."

Moira Monatheon stood stoically as ever in the tent while Amelia paced in agitation. "The Bellgarathon's can't be trusted."

"He took us in." Amelia punched every word. "They didn't have to do that."

"And if they didn't, they would have made an enemy of the Girl Queen. They're not stupid." Moira shook her head. "Did you know the Islands of Imagi used to be called Imagi Nation? The Bellgarathon's betrayed your family centuries ago and formed their own kingdom. The War of the Islands was one of the bloodiest Kalishterya has ever seen."

"Why would they want to leave the kingdom?" Amelia frowned and sat down.

"Two reasons. First, Akkedis was at war with the Merlin's and the Bellgarathon's didn't want to get caught up in it. They're cowards. Secondly, the Merlin's banned them from - certain experiments they were conducting and the Bellgarathon's did not like that." Moira's posture hadn't shifted an inch but her expression looked like she had smelled something awful.

"What do you mean experiments? What sort of experiments?"

She could see the Northern lady stiffen. "They were trying to remove pain from the mind. They would torture people and prod at their brains while doing so. They took hundreds of people to conduct the experiments. They were trying to create the Invincible Hero. One who wouldn't even feel pain if the love of their life was taken from them."

"That's disgusting." The air in the tent had gone freezing cold and Amelia's voice shook.

"I won't tell you about the specifics of the experiments because I don't think it's necessary."

"But Caritas was nothing like that. He was weird, sure, but not evil. Not like those people. He deserves our help." Amelia said confidently. "He at least deserves a chance."

Moira nodded in consent. "Just be careful. Remember you can't trust him."

"That was his family that did those horrible things, not him."

She gave sad smile, "My Queen, we are our families. This is not like the world you're used to. Our ancestors are all inside us, guiding us through this life. We cannot escape their actions."

Amelia sighed heavily. "What I wouldn't give for you to be wrong about that, Moira."


"Is it about her?" Daniel thought out loud as he peeled carrots for supper. Marco was sitting by the fire with a glass of ale in his hand.

"Shut up, Dan." he said without any feeling. "Just stop talking."

"It has to be about her. It's always the woman." he put the carrots into the pot of stew and gave it a small stir, it didn't look half bad he had to admit to himself.

"Dan, you have no idea what you're talking about."

"I think I do. I spent weeks traveling with this one bloke who was so in love with a woman he gave up all his memory of her just to save her life. I bet he's doing well right now, and she must be so happy that he saved her. Maybe they have a little cottage together, where they can raise sheep and listen to the bards playing their music. I bet she sings while he watches her. And she probably loves to sit by the fire and tell stories and I can see him just lounging there without a care in the world while she talks and talks and talks." he added spices and potatoes to the stew and stirred lazily while he spoke.

Marco was silent for a bit before he said, "It's not about her, it's her husband."

"The stupid one?" Dan could remember Marco's vocal rampages about that man.

"Yeah, that one." he stared into the fire which illuminated his dramatic features making him even more intense than before. "I have to kill him." he said in barely more than a whisper.

Dan stood very still by the pot on the stove. "You don't have-"

"Yes I do. They told me if I don't, they're going to kill Sam. I've already wasted too much time, I have to get it over with." Marco winced at the idea, his hands were white knuckled against the glass that was nearly empty.

"What kind of person would ask you to kill someone?" Daniel shuddered.

"The kind of person who is willing to do what it takes to keep themselves alive, I guess." Marco still wouldn't face him. "Should I do it?"

"Does she love him?"

"No. No way. She's smarter than that, she still loves me. I know it." he sounded like he was convincing more than just Daniel.

"I guess you have to save your friend," Daniel said slowly. "But I don't know about killing someone Marco."

"I've done it before."

"I know, but this feels different."

"I know, but I don't have a choice, Dan. I have to kill him." he rose up out of his seat and placed the glass down on the table. "I don't think I'm going to come back here afterwords."

Daniel shook his head. "At least have some stew before you go! You don't want to murder someone on an empty stomach!"

Marco almost laughed. "No, I'm alright." he turned and headed towards the door, Daniel followed.

"Marco, please don't go." he said in sudden desperation. "Please, I don't have anyone. You're my only friend.  I don't want to be alone anymore."

The young man with jade green eyes and jet black hair didn't look back but he did pause for a moment. "I'm sorry I always told you to shut up. I didn't mean it Dan."

And with that he was gone and Daniel was once more alone. He went over to the stove, grabbed the pot and took it outside. He dumped it onto the ground and went back inside. He started to pack things away. Soon there was a bag sitting on the table filled with food and fire starters. He put his warmest cloak on top and walked out the door. Daniel would never return to his home, it seemed to be the place where people left him and he was determined not to be alone ever again. If his time with Marco had taught him anything it was to fight with every breath for what you loved. It was time to find the beautiful girl from the forest.

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