Part 107: The Game for Okamila

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She didn't know how to put armor on. It felt like such a silly thing but she had no idea what she was doing. Amelia looked in the mirror of her tent and she could hear everyone around her preparing for the battle and she knew she should be too. But she couldn't figure out these damn straps and clasps. There was no way someone would ever be able to do this on their own. If she just knew how it worked then she could magically get it to go on but she didn't even know which pieces were supposed to go where.

"Your grace?" a woman walked in who Amelia had only seen a few times before, but she didn't remember her name.


"I've been sent to help you."

"Oh thank the gods." Amelia laughed. "You're just in time. I was about to give up on armor all together."

"I don't suppose you really need it." the girl smiled and brushed her hair from her face.

"You must think me a much better warrior than I really am." she shook her head. The girl started putting the armor on, pulling tightly on the straps by her side. "What was your name again?"


"I remember you now," said Amelia. "You were the one who was always talking to my friend, Lavender."

"She is very beautiful." Rosemary agreed, and Amelia could tell she was blushing.

"Don't I know it." she said.

"Why isn't she with you now?"

"Um-" Amelia tried to think. "When I came back, it was because someone really screwed up, and my brother was dead. I didn't think I was going to go to war, to be honest, when I arrived. And either way, Lavender is better off at home. Where it's safe."

"Your world is safe?" she sounded wistful. "I don't even know what that would look like."

"It's not very safe right now but it'll get better."

"How do you know?" she lifted a large piece of metal from the table and started it around Amelia's wrist.

"I guess I don't really" she said honestly. They stayed the rest of the time in silence until Amelia was ready for battle. Rosemary gave her a small smile before leaving the tent. The Girl Queen put a hand on the Harcos wolf and side by side they walked out to the front lines. She saw the other members of the Nine, some of them in armor and some not. Caritas, Ben and Brice were all in their normal attire while Moira, Blaxton and Thibeault were dressed for war. Al too was just wearing robes, he walked up to her and gave her a hand clambering onto Mitra who was extraordinarily tall even when she knealed.

Amelia herself wasn't going into battle. Firstly, there was no way anyone was going to risk the life of the queen, especially not a queen like her. Secondly, the Ancient Rules forbade her from attacking someone unless they struck the first blow to her. And since no one would be stupid enough to attack her, she wouldn't be any use at all.


First came the flames.

The green fire that Lord Bellgarathon had developed lit up the night and torched the back gates of Okamila. They burned down within minutes and the Girl Queen was able to stop them burning with a snap of her fingers. At all intervals around the city the same thing happened.

Second came the soldiers.

Tens of thousands of them piling into the great city and tearing through the lizard army. The Girl Queen's army out-numbered them twenty to one and the lizards didn't stand a chance. It was almost too easy. As they neared Castle Canavar, in the heart of the city, the army became denser. The Queen's men slowed as the lizards became more vicious. They lashed out with their swords and the two armies collided like colossal titans in the night. Never before had the sides been fighting for more than on this night.

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