Part 76: The Battle of Re'na

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Re'na had always been a peaceful city but that did not mean they weren't ready for a war when it arrived at their doorstep in the form of the Queen's army. The Roscureaux family had produced enough soldiers to even the odds and with Thibeault at the head of it all, they were a force to be reckoned with. Al rode on the back of a strong mare that was a deep chestnut brown. Their camp was a couple miles off of the city and the army was teeming with excitement. The prospect of a battle like this was not something many were used to. 

"We attack at dusk." Al flung a large cloth map out over the table where the leaders of the army stood around. "Moira, you'll take the northerners  and those from High Valley here," he pointed to the front gate. "Meanwhile the Roscureaux army and the Bellgarathon force will go around and attack at these two entrances."

"Is that the entire plan?" Moira raised her eyebrows. Amelia's wolf, Mitra, was sitting in the corner stoically evaluating every single member of the war council with her scary blue eyes and rippling tawny fur.

Caritas gave an awkward cough as a way to introduce himself into the meeting. "I believe this is where my specialties come in." he smiled and pulled a small jar from the large pocket inside his red silk robes. The jar was full of a strange brilliant green liquid that sloshed around making the jar nearly fall out of his hands. A noise somewhere between a yelp and a sigh evacuated from Al's lips and Caritas smiled apologetically. "This is war fire, derived from the Greeks with a distinct Irish magic blend. It's extremely powerful."

Moira walked over and took the jar in her hands, looking at it intensely she said, "What does it do?"

"Well," the strange little man with snow white hair and ice blue eyes smiled while straightening his spectacles. "It blows things up." he grinned awkwardly at the expression on Moira's face. "I thought you might like it."

For the first time in her life, she looked at him without contempt. It was almost amazement as she said, "How powerful is it?"

"That jar right there will put a whole, the size of three carriages, through any wall. This is how we get into the city of Re'na." Al folded his arms across his chest and the room fell silent.

"How much of this do you have, Caritas?" Moira asked fervently.

The white head shook back and forth. "I have more than we will ever need."

Murmurs floated around the room as murmurs do, in low voices with excited eyes and daring glances at each other. Moira gave the smallest smile to Al and he nodded in return to her. That night he couldn't sleep, not because he was scared but because he was excited. Al knew they were  going to win this, the lizards didn't stand a chance against their war fire. His heart beat quickly against his chest and he knew when morning came, he would be sitting in the throne room of Castle Ortus while the Dellisandros begged for forgiveness.


To Queen Amelia Merlin of Kalishterya,

Emrys of the North, Protector of the Realm, Bringer of Wolves, and Rightful Ruler of Okamila

It's been a week now, I think. Time is running strangely for me right now, I can barely tell day from night. The smoke is so dense from the war fire, we are hardly able to see the sun come out. I'm afraid the lizards are proving tougher than we imagined. The Lord of Dreams has been training them well, although we've seen no appearance of Akkedis himself, thankfully.

I assure you we have things under control. Lady Moira and Sir Schwann are working tirelessly to provide the best possible battle strategies and we've called for reinforcements from lords and ladies across the country. By our estimates the city will be ours within the week.

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