Part 63: The Pretender in the Office

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Years and years ago, there had been a woman. She used to work for the Crow and she was the best, she was beautiful and endlessly cunning. The Crow had loved her so much and they ruled the city together but she died, Isaac didn't know how but it had happened. 

So when Sapana walked into the Crow's mansion, Isaac thought the dead had risen but he couldn't have been more wrong. Her lips weren't as full, her nose wasn't as sharp nor her jawline. Her hair wasn't as immaculate and her dress was last months trend. She batted her eyelashes with too much force and she swayed her hips too much when she walked and she didn't sit with the proper composure. She was too stiff, she didn't relax and control the room. 

When the woman sat down in the chair across from the Crow, it was obvious she was trying to seduce him. She pursed her lips ever so slightly and waited for the Crow to speak. The greasy man took a deep breath that nearly made him feel faint and started talking. "What can I do for you, madame?"

She smiled and Isaac had to say it was too sweet, like getting a toothache. "The question you should be asking, is what I can do for you."

"Okay," the Crow said slowly. "Then, what can you do for me?"

"Tell me, who truly rules this great city?" she leaned back in her chair. Isaac could feel his heartbeat rising. He felt disgusted by this woman with the harsh green eyes.

"Kenrick Lattantio." The Crow smirked sarcastically. "He is the warden of Kalishterya, after all."

"But it is you, Crow, who has control over every aspect of this city. You are the one who knows everything about everyone. You have everything." she smiled and ran a hand through her hair. Isaac smiled to himself, the Crow's lady never would have messed up her hair like that.

"You're right. So what do you want to do for me then? As you said, I have everything. What do I need you for?"

"If you want more than what this place can give you. If you want to go beyond what this world has to offer. Then I can help you." she pulled a piece of paper from her bag and slid it across the table. The Crow raised his eyebrows and put the envelope to the side, not even looking at it.

"I'm not interested." he said firmly. She opened her mouth to keep talking but he wasn't hearing anything else she had to say. "I know who you are. You're Sapana. The one who loves the Lord of Dreams more than anything else. I'm not interested in your bat-shit crazy idea of what reality really is. I don't want to join forces with you. I'm not giving my city to the lizards just so you can have control over my mind."

Sapana stiffened and turned red. "Just read the letter-"

"Isaac will escort you out of my office." he took the letter and held it over the candle that was burning on his desk. "Don't ever contact me again or I'll have you killed."

She stood up and whipped around. Isaac, grinning to himself, followed her out with Davyd trailing behind him like a shadow. They walked in a single file through the narrow hallways of the Crow's house. They were almost at the door when Isaac reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Sapana," he said, a smile tugging at his lips. "A word of advice? Don't act like her ever again. That's probably why he said no. No one could ever be her, least of all you. She was more than you can imagine."

She glared at him with those glass green eyes, suddenly he felt himself press against the wall, trying to breath. He could feel dirt rising around him, falling down his lungs, filling his nose. He tried to call out for help. He choked. His lungs burned with earth. And then in a moment it was over and he was still standing in the doorway of the Crow's house.

"Oh sweetheart," she said and put a hand to his arm. "I think you're the one who needs to stop pretending to be something more than they are." and with that she left.

Angrily, he stormed back into the office, he could feel Davyd running behind him in silence. Isaac slammed the door behind him and took his usual place standing behind the Crow. His arms folded in front of him and he fumed in rage.

"I hate that bitch." he spat.

The Crow growled darkly. "I agree."

"Did you see how she was dressed? And how she acted?"

"I need you to do something for me." The Crow sipped at his wine. "I need a meeting with Kenrick tomorrow."

"Done. I'll go up to the castle and arrange something." He started to walk out the door but stopped. "Can I ask what this is for?" he said nervously.

The Crow looked paler than usual. "I think it's about time we picked a side in this war that's going on. Don't you think?"

So nothing could have made him more happy than their choice to exterminate the lizards and rid their world of the pretender that had sat in their office. 



"You need to go down to the basement today."

"Why?" he asked slowly. 

"I wasn't going to tell you, but then after that meeting, I guess I think you should see her." 

"What are you talking about?"

"That girl, the one you always hang out with. We picked her up from the castle last night, she was whipped for rioting in the streets."

Isaac didn't even stay to hear the rest of the sentence. He ran down the halls and pushed past anyone who was remotely in his way. He nearly tripped a dozen times but he found her and his breathing slowed a bit. 

Seven was lying on the bed, her face pressed into the pillow while white strips of cloth, covered in some ointment lay across her scarred back. She turned to look at him when he burst into the room. 


"What the fuck happened to you?" 

"I attacked the guards."

He knealed down beside her and stroked her hair. "What the hell did you do that for?" he said softly. 

"I can't live like this anymore. I'm more than a number." 

"They'll kill you next time." he whispered. "Please don't do it again, please, we can protect you. You don't have to live like this. I'll get the Crow to free you and we can run away. Far away from here and you can be free and we'll get some sheep and live together. I'll marry you and you'll be free from all this-"

"Isaac," tears rolled down her face. "Stop. I can't go away with you."

"Please!" he begged. "Just come with me. We can leave this all behind."

"I can't! I have to fight for a better world. I have to fight for everyone who is more than just a number. I have to stay."


"Isaac, you can't ask me to stay. I have to fight. I don't care if I die."

"I care." he started to cry. "Please, Seven, please don't do this. They'll kill you."

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