Stop Touching Magnus's Hair, Anna Bananna, and Swifties.

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Queen Ham asks: So Queen Ham here can you make Magnus, his friends, and Annabeth prank Solangelo... If you haven't already. Yeah. That's it. All I wish for honestly.

Annabeth: Solangelo? Ugh, like I haven't heard that term enough from the Aphrodite campers.

Magnus: I'm guessing I should ask what that is—oh. di Angelo. Solace. *squints eyes* It's one of those ship thingies.

Annabeth: You got it. Ever since Nico and Will started dating, Drew and her homophobic 'clique' tried to turn them into the camp joke. Thank the gods, Chiron got them to shut up. You would think some Aphrodite campers would be more accepting. *sighs*

Magnus: *makes a face* Are all those kids of that love goddess like that?

Annabeth: *chuckles* Oh no. Definitely not, I have—or had for few...some great friends who were daughters of Aphrodite. You can think of it as an analogy to your friend Sam, for instance.

Magnus: Yeah, I see where you're going; but what makes that ship word-name-I don't know anymore-thing so bad?

Annabeth: It isn't, I think it's cute. But, on the other hand, the clique I was mentioning before always used it against them. They were like, 'Oh, those fags. Kiss, kiss, Solan-geloo.' I feel like throwing up just trying to mimic them, and furthermore, they're children of Greek gods—who can date anything and get away with it. I can't wait until they graduate, and never see their faces again. *takes a deep breath and laughs lightly* Sorry for my ranting, Magnus.

Magnus: Nah, it's fine. If I were you, I would've done the same. Anyways, pranking I'm Mr. Darkness, Fear Me and Doctor Will, right?

Annabeth: *scrunches up nose* You still have the knack of giving people on-the-spot terrible nicknames, don't you?

Magnus: *smirks* Sure do, Anna Banana.

-Sam enters the room-

Sam: *smiles* Annabeth, hey. How are you?

Annabeth: *teases* Do you really need to ask that question to a demigod? You'll always know the answer. *places her hand on a spot beside her on the floor* Here, sit down, you'll need your energy for pranking some people.

Sam: *sits down and groans* Pranking—why me? Who is the poor victim this time?

Magnus: Victims, plural. Will and Nico, two campers. They're dating.

Sam: *hums* You don't seem enthusiastic about that. Jealous much?

Magnus: *mumbles* Screw off, Sam.

Sam: *chuckles and ruffles Magnus's hair* Kidding.

Magnus: Hey! Don't mess up my hair, I combed it.

Annabeth: *snorts* I remember when your hair was short. You looked cuter. *flicks a strand of hair of Magnus's face*

Magnus: Of course, I would look cuter—I was six! And stop touching my hair, for gods' sake.

Annabeth: Enough of this stuff. Let's get down to business. Pranking, what should we do?

Sam: Oh! I got one. Tell one of these dudes that we're going to make Magnus dress up as the other, and Magnus will be recording all the sweet nothings the other says. It'll be great blackmail.

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