S e v e n t y - S i x : S c o t t

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"You're sure you're okay?"

He was pale and looked like he could do with a solid day of sleep but he smiled. "I just want to see Bailey."

A nurse took us down the hall. I paused Puppy outside the door. He shifted, seeming antsy. "Scott I want to see him!"

"I want you to understand that Bailey might be different when you go in there."

He bit his lip. "Different how?"

"Just different. He needs you to be supportive. Okay?"

He nodded his head. "Of course! He's my best friend. And I just got him back."

I could only hope that was still true.

I pushed the door open.

It was like seeing a ghost. He lifted his head to look at us.


Puppy flung himself at Bailey, hugging him. Bailey grunted. "Easy."

Brune side stepped around me resting his hand on my shoulder. "Waking up from a coma isn't like getting up from a nap alright?" He looked through a chart. "The nurse
sat him up. He's responding to some stimulation. He hasn't gotten to visual or auditory tracking yet so he'll be here a while."

"Bailey?" Puppy whispered.

Bailey continued to stare off into space. Puppy backed away into me. "He's scaring me."

"Think about it this way," Brune said as he signed something. "The lights are on but no one's home."

"Nice," I scoffed put off by the comment.

Brune spared me a smile. "Someone will be home eventually." He reminded me. "He's just taking his time."

"What's he looking at?" Puppy whispered.

"Nothing." Brune explained. "He's stopped grabbed at the IVs which is good. But I'll expect him to fall unconscious again at some point."


"He'll be fine and come out of it again. It's just the stages." He replied. "I'm hoping that by next week he'll be able to communicate a bit more."

"A bit?"

"He's said a few words. Pepsi. King." Brune shrugged. "Ransoms things."

"King could mean Kingsley--that's his baby."

"Maybe." Brune shrugged. "Brain activity is returning though, amazingly enough."

Puppy pulled at my hand nervously. "He's looking at me."

I glanced up and sure enough Bailey's head had turned to side. He was staring in the direction of Puppy with a blank, chilling, unwavering look. It was like he was seeing through him.

I understood why it would be unnerving. I pulled him closer to me. "He's not looking at you, kid." Brune said. "The nurse just propped him up like that. He had just about no control of his body right now."

I didn't like how he was telling Puppy all this. And I wished I hadn't brought Puppy here at all. Brune had made it seem like Bailey would be lucid. My bad for not doing a bit of research before hand. "Look--maybe we should go."

"Wait," Brune sighed. "I'm sorry--I've got almost three times the patient load I should. I'm just stressed. I'm glad that you're here."

"I want to go Scott," Puppy whispered. "I don't like being near Bailey."

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