Chapter 44

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It was just over a week after their 'adventure' and Lauren was living in what she believes people call 'domestic bliss'.

Well, sort of.

Domestic ecstasy might be a better definition of what she found herself in. It was so different to her other experience of 'living' with a girlfriend, so very different indeed.

They'd done exactly what Camila had wanted after they'd landed, heading to her apartment to pick up some clean clothes before continuing their journey to Camila's flat, collapsing in a jetlagged stupor almost the second their heads hit the plush cotton-covered pillows of her bed.

Once they'd agreed the basic rules to their relationship, things went reasonably smoothly. Camila didn't mess her around and make her worry professionally. She did the same thing personally. They were forced by necessity to have two different lives, the personal and the professional, and it was impossible to let the personal intrude into the professional life. So they kept them separate as best they could, and somewhere in the middle, they found a place where they could just be themselves and enjoy it, and enjoy it they did.

During work time, when she wasn't sat on the sofa in Camila's office watching her work, and swapping e-mails with Dinah and Normani on her phone, she was stood, much to Camila's annoyance, outside her office door as usual, doing her job as best she could, protecting her the whole time, personally and professionally.

The whole protection thing didn't always go smoothly, however. Her general 'hanging around', as Camila called her guard duty, eventually frustrated the brunette so much it prompted a change in office space. Camila moved down the corridor to a smaller room with an attached side office that Lauren and Ally were to be installed in at her insistence.

"There," Camila said as she propelled her towards one of the desks, the one that was situated right next to her new office door, "You sit there from now on. That way you can do your job without standing outside in the corridor like a damn statue, and making me feel stupid when people come to see me,"

"...and what about the other door?" she said interrupting her pleased look with the question that she'd had running around her head "The one that opens to the corridor, how do I guard that from in here?"

"I'll lock that if it makes you feel better, Lauren," Camila replied simply, a smug grin on her face as if pleased she'd anticipated her request.

It was good, the brunette had obviously thought about her security which was a major improvement on her usual casualness, but it wasn't good enough for Lauren.

"I'd prefer it if it was blocked off entirely," she'd replied with just a hint of professional aloofness, "that way no one could use it at all,"

"That would look stupid, Lauren," Camila had said shaking her head. "I can't just put my sofa in front of the doorway,"

"Why don't you get that big cabinet moved instead?" Ally added looking up from her computer with a smile at their bickering. "That would cover it completely. No one would know there was even a door there,"

"Thank you, Ally" Camila said sarcastically, putting her hands on her hips and frowning, "I thought you were on my side,"

"I'm sorry, Mila" Ally said, hiding her grin behind her monitor. "I thought the point was to keep you safe,"

"Yes, but this all seems a little extreme, doesn't it?" Camila said frustrated, the hairs on the back of Lauren's neck rising in warning at a potentially 'pissed off Camila'.

"I mean honestly, for someone to cause trouble here, they've got to get past the guys on reception, and then make their way up four flights of stairs and past the security doors just to get close to my office, and then they've got to get through a locked door. I'm sure, by that time, Lauren here would have been alerted,"

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