Chapter 57

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"Are we there yet?" Camila whined in her best baby voice as they drove along the vast lands of she doesn't know where. After they landed at the airport, she drove them to their destination with the sat-nav's guidance. She really couldn't care less as long as she's not high above the fucking ground.

"You tell me," she replied somewhat huffily, not really appreciating Camila teasing me, "Some of us still don't know where they're going."

It was true. All she knew was that they were in the highlands of Scotland.

"It's not far now, actually," Camila said stretching out and resting her hand on Lauren's thigh, "we're nearly there."

"It's about time," she replied with a sense of relief, "this better be worth it, Cabello. My ass has gone totally numb sitting here all day, and my nerves are killing me,"

"Aw, babe. It'll be worth it, I promise you," Camila said squeezing her leg. "It's going to be one week of solid honest to goodness relaxation."

"I'll need it after this journey," she muttered, glancing at the screen on the dash of the sat-nav and seeing that the distance to destination had ticked all the way down to five miles. Five short miles to wherever it was they were going. She couldn't wait.

A couple of minutes later, Camila was waving at her frantically and demanding that she pull over the car that they drove into a small lay-by at the side of the road.

"Why?" she asked as Camila pointed towards the side of the road.

"Because I want to show you my surprise properly," Camila replied excitedly. "You're going to love it, especially now."

"Now?" she asked as she pulled to a halt and yanked on the handbrake. "What's so special about now?"

"You'll see," Camila said enigmatically; reaching into her bag and pulling out a scarf. "Or rather you won't, not until I'm ready for you to see it anyway."

"You've got to be kidding," she said incredulously as she realized what Camila meant. "No way!"

"Lolo, please," Camila said with a smile, "indulge me?"

"Oh, alright then, if it means that much to you," she said turning off the engine. "But if I break my leg, you're carrying me to the damn hospital."

Moments later, the world was dark and she was being led down what felt like a woodland floor, all ferns and bits of bark underfoot catching in her trainers. With her sight taken away, she instinctively allowed her other senses to take over. She could feel a cool breeze drifting past her face, a faint smell of damp grass that was only slightly obscured by the scent of perfume as Camila led her through the woods down to what smelled like water.

"This will be perfect," she heard her say as her brain tried to process the myriad of things it was getting from the environment around them. She could tell they were in a clearing of sorts, the sound subtly different to how it had been as they walked. She could smell and hear the sound of water and the wind and blissful, blissful silence.

Wherever the hell they were, she could feel herself relaxing. Wherever they were, she knew it was going to be good.

"Ready, babe?" Camila asked, her hands on Lauren's hips shuffling her around.

"Whenever you are," she replied taking a deep breath.

"Close your eyes, love," Camila whispered, her hands reaching up to remove the blindfold. "No peeking now."

"No peeking, Camz," she promised with a laugh as the improvised blindfold was removed from her eyes and Camila's arms slipped around her waist.

"You can open your eyes now, mi amor,"

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