Chapter 1

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Clarke rolled down her window so that she could smell the summer breeze of her new home. LA.

Her mother had just bought a house here, they needed to start fresh, get away from all the trouble that followed them around their old town. Clarke's mother, Abby, had been wanting to leave that town for years, they never go around to it, until now.

Abby was a single parent, raising a daughter on her own wasn't easy, but she managed. Clarke's father was gone and Abby was the only person that Clarke really cared about in her life. Besides her beautiful husky, Rocky. Clarke could never dream of leaving her best friend behind, so Clarke made sure that her mom bought a house with a backyard and fences.

After driving for what felt like years, they pulled up at their new house. It looked smaller in the photos online and Clarke was in awe of how beautiful it was.

It had a fresh coat of paint on the outside and Clarke practically ran to the front door so that she could see the inside for herself.

All the interior was clean and modern, Clarke was astonished, but the thing that won her over was the big pool out the back. It was her dream to have a pool in her backyard, and now, she has one.

Rocky ran straight into the backyard, sniffing his way around that lawn. Clarke smiled. She was happy with her life at the moment.

She made her way upstairs so that she could choose her room. There were four bedrooms and they were all the same size but the one that looked over the street stole Clarke's heart. You could see mountains in the distance and Clarke knew that watching the sunset would be so great from there.

She looked around her room, mentally designing it in her head. The movers truck wouldn't be here until Thursday, so she had two days to figure out how she wanted to set up her room. She already had an idea and she couldn't wait to bring it to life.

After a few hours of checking out their new house, they both decided to head into town to take a look around their new home.

They headed to the shops, which were massive compared to the ones back home. There was so much to choose from and Clarke couldn't wait to go on a big shopping spree so that she could buy things for her room.

After a few hours of driving around town, going shopping. The pair started to become hungry, after all it was 1 o'clock in the afternoon. They both hadn't had anything to eat since they went through the drive thru at Mcdonalds at 6 this morning.

They headed to a very intriguing restaurant called 'Pacifica Blue.' It was a pretty casual restaurant, the lunch specials were steak and chips, but it would do.

After ordering their meals, Clarke started to look around the place. Loud sounds of laughter made her whip her head around to where it was coming from. There were about six people gathered around a table chatting away, they looked about her age. She knew that she had been staring too long when a guy with brown curly hair made eye contact with her. She tried to pull her eyes away from him, but she was too mesmerised by him. From what she could see, he had brown eyes, freckles and a whole lot of muscle.

She licked her lips, his eyes still looking into hers.

"Clarke," her mothers voice broke the spell that she was under. "Do you want to order drinks now?"

"W-what?" Clarke stuttered.

"I asked if you wanted to order drinks, who were you looking at?" Abby said as she fixed her eyes on the group that Clarke was looking at. "They seem to be your age, why don't you go and say hi, introduce yourself." Abby squinted her eyes. "But stay away from that one," she said as she pointed to the attractive brunette. "He looks like trouble."

Clarke looked at him again and this time she saw a girl leaning on his shoulder, obviously trying to catch his attention. Clarke blushed. "Don't worry mom, i wont even go near him."

Just as they were being served their lunches, Clarke heard the small group get up to leave the restaurant. Clarke didn't look at them, but she could feel the brunettes eyes piercing into the back of her head.

After eating as much as they could of their lunches, they decided to head home after a long day. Clarke decided to have a nice hot bubble bath to wash away all the traveling and moving that they had done.

She only had a few more days until she had to start school again, she wasn't excited to make new friends, but maybe it would be good for her. Back at her old school most people only knew her as the 'teachers pet' or 'goody two shoes'. Perhaps now being at a new school, maybe she could change the way people think about her.

Maybe she could become a new person.

She just hoped that her senior year in high school exceeded her expectations. She wanted to have fun, she wanted to enjoy her life, maybe moving to a new town was the way to accomplish that. It was a clean slate, and she was going to change for the better.

A/N: I'm editing this story so please bare with me xo

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