What happens now?

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Bellamy POV

I haven't seen Clarke for a week, she's been avoiding me. Turning down halls she doesn't need to when she spots me, I hate it. She said we could still be friends, I suppose it would be hard for us to control ourselves if we hung out all the time...

I walk past her locker after every class, during lunch and before school ends but she's never there. She doesn't even eat lunch with the group anymore. It's killing me, not being able to see her. Not being able to be with her is enough torture.

I walk down to the carpark at school and I see her driving away. "Clarke!" I yell as loud as I can, she looks at me, slowing down her car. She gives me a sad look and then continues driving. It's like she doesn't want to be away from me but she has to be. If Finn is making her avoid me I swear to god I will end him.

The next day, Clarke isn't at school. I asked Octavia and she said she hasn't heard from her. I become a bit worried, she never misses school. After the bell rings I decide to take a trip to her house later to see if she is okay, I know I shouldn't be doing this but it feels so right. I knock on the door and her mom answers. "Hello, can I help you?" she asks politely. "Hi, um yes. I'm looking for Clarke." "She's just in her room, come in I will call her down." I get a bit nervous. I hear Clarkes mom call for her. "Who is it mom?" She yells. "Don't be so rude, come down now." Clarke walks down the stairs and when she sees me her eyes widen. "B-Bellamy? What are you doing here?"
"This is Bellamy?" Her mom interrupts.

"Yes mom, that's Bellamy. Who did I tell you not to let inside?"

Ouch that hurt, she doesn't want to see me at all.

Clarkes mom walks away silently into the kitchen. "Bellamy what are you doing here, I thought we agreed-"

"No" I interrupted "you agreed, not me."

She put her head down "Bellamy, I'm sorry. I told you I can't be in a relationship."

"I know, but Clarke why are you avoiding me"

"Clarke hunny, I'm going to the shops. I will be home in 20" Clarkes mom walks out the door.

She lets out a sigh "if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to control myself if I hung out with you."

I make a small smile, "Clarke, I can't handle being away from you!" I start to walk up the stairs. She takes a few steps up.

"Bellamy, please stop. I can't do this!"

"Why not please tell me what's so wrong about this, about us."

A tear falls down her face as I feel one forming in my eyes.

"Bellamy please don't come any closer."

I take a few more steps up. "Clarke-"

"No Bellamy!" She interrupts "please just leave!" She walks over to her door and opens it.

I stop her "Clarke if you take one more step" my voice starts to crack "this is it, I will know how you feel about me"

She just stares at her door and doesn't say anything. She stands there for a few seconds before walking in and closing the door. I hear her lean against the door and slide down sitting on the ground.

This is it. This is how she feels about me, I'm done. I stand there with a tear on my cheek. I feel so many emotions running through my veins, sadness, anger, frustration, fear. I turn around and run down the stairs, I slam the front door on my way out. She doesn't care about me, she wouldn't have walked in the door if she did. I'm nothing to her, I never was. I get into my car, I can't help myself. I start punching the wheel, bruising my knuckles. I lay my head onto the head rest and close my eyes letting out a big sigh. I feel her eyes glancing at me from her bedroom window, I look over to see tears streaming down her face. I put the keys in the ignition and before driving off I look at her once more, she put her hand on the window. Another tear escapes my eye as I drive off into the darkness.....

Octavia POV

Seeing my brother cry was one of the hardest things I've ever had to watch. I could hear him from the kitchen, my heart breaks every time I hear him punch the wall. I wonder what happened between him and Clarke? She must mean a lot to him if he's this sad over her. Normally for him it's just a one night stand with girls, why is Clarke different?

I walk up to his room, the sobs are becoming quieter. I open the door "hey, big brother" I say with hurt in my eyes as I see him on the floor. He looks up at me, his eyes are red and puffy. I walk over to him and hug him as tight as I can, "she left me" he says as his voice cracks into a sob. He sinks his chin into my neck, "Bellamy, I'm so sorry... do you want to talk about it?"

"No, I just want to be alone for now..."

"Okay, but just know you can talk to me bell?"

He nods and i leave the room.

I text Clarke.

Send message to: Clarke

Hey, I hope your okay. Bellamy is a mess, I hate to ask but I would love to know what happened so I could help and comfort him. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm always here for you if you need to talk. Stay safe Clarke xoxo

Clarke POV

The text Octavia just sent me, broke me. Bellamy is a mess?

Send message to: Octavia

Hey O, I hope Bellamy will be okay. I hope you know that us being apart, is for the best. I don't think you should tell Bellamy this, but I'm going back home to North Dakota for a bit. I will be staying with my good friend wells until all of this blows over. I hope you can understand xoxo

I hesitate before sending the text, I know O will have to tell Bellamy. I start to rummage through my wardrobe, Octavia was right, it is tragic. I find a few outfits, I mostly lead towards warm and comfy clothes as it is almost winter. I finally finish packing my bags when I hear my phone go off. I had a new message.

Message from: Finn

Hey Clarke, look I know you probably don't want me texting you but I just need to get one thing straight. Are you actually with Bellamy or was that just a lie to stop me? You don't have to answer but I would really love it if you could.

Send message to: Finn

Hey Finn, it's good to hear from you. I haven't seen you around school lately. Look the truth is, I'm not with Bellamy. We did have a thing but it's long gone now. Finn I'm not looking for anything with anyone at the moment, I'm sorry. I won't be in LA for a while, I'm going back home to clear my head and visit my best friend. Tell raven, jasper and monty I said  goodbye. Will keep in touch.

My mom and I discussed my trip home over dinner. "Hunny, do you have to go? Why are you going?" She asks

"Mom, I really don't want to talk about it. I just need to clear my head, I hope you can understand"

"I do, but I just really wished you didn't have to go. I will be all alone, wait how long are you planning to go for?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure. However long it takes for me to get my head straight."

"Please don't let it be too long, I will miss you."

"I know mom, I will miss you to. I have to do this."

She nods while taking another spoonful of her food.

I make my way to bed, I try to sleep for hours but I'm overthinking everything. I look over at the time. Shit! It's already 2:30 in the morning. I'm going to be so tired tomorrow. I force myself to sleep....

Arghh this chapter gave me the feels, writing about Bellamy crying makes me sad. Oh and thanks sooooo much for over 100 reads!!!
feedback on this chapter would be much appreciated! xoxo

I need you //Book one.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum