The return..

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1 month later.

On my way home I start to feel butterflies grow in my stomach. After being away for 1 month, things start to become so surreal and all my problems start rushing back into my brain. I hope Finn and Bellamy have moved on and forgotten about me, I really don't want to be the only one that's on their minds again.

Octavia POV

Bellamy came home last night with yet another girl from the club. He's been drinking again and I'm really worried about him. Him drinking was the reason why he was drugged last time..

I was making coffee when I saw a girl sneak out the front door. The only thing I saw of her was her long brown hair and her light coloured skin. I didn't see her face and I'm pretty sure Bellamy didn't either. I heard my phone buzz.

Message from: Clarke

Hey O, I know I haven't talked to you for about two weeks but I'm on my way home. Just thought I would let you know...

OMG!!! Clarke is coming back!!! I'm soooooo excited I missed my best friend!

Send message to: Clarke

Omg Clarke! I'm so excited! I've missed you sooooooooooo much! We need to catch up when you get back! See you soon xoxo

Bellamy POV

I woke to the sound of, um of, I don't remember her name, getting out of my bed and throwing on her clothes and walking out. Just like all the other girls, they try to leave before I wake up. I'd rather them leave on their own terms than me kicking them out. I make my way down to the kitchen and I see my sister jumping with a big smile on her face. "What's made you so happy?" I ask while opening the fridge door.

"Ummm..... nothing, I gotta go."

She goes to walk away.

"Wait!" I yell, I know she's hiding something. "Spit it out"

She slowly turns around and looks at the floor. She stays silent for a bit.


"Fine, its about Clarke"

My heart falls to my stomach, "what about Clarke?"

"She's uh, she's on her way home."

I remained calm, I told myself that I had moved on. When Octavia told me she was coming back nothing else mattered anymore. "Oh yeah" I don't make a big deal about it in front of O, but inside I'm screaming. "Is that it? 'Oh yeah'?"
"What else do you want me to say O?"

"Nothing. I just thought, well the night she broke it off with you, you were absolutely 100% crushed-"

"Yeah well I've moved on O. She didn't want me around so I gave up!" I didn't mean to yell but it just came out like that....

Octavia looked startled after I yelled. "I'm sorry, O."

"Forget it" she said while grabbing her bag and heading out the door.

"O, wait" she didn't stop and closed the door. I cupped my face with my hands and let out a big breath. Clarke was back, I don't know how I'm going to act when I see her again. How could she leave me when I was in such a vulnerable time? It almost makes me angry to think about how she left. I was in my room 24/7 and she was having the time of her life with her best friend, and he is a boy I must add....

Later that day...

Clarke didn't make it to school today, she must have still been traveling. I was kinda hoping she would be there. I've missed seeing her beautiful face and her bright blue eyes, and that smile of hers that could light up my whole day- wait Bellamy, you've moved on. get a grip-

Later that day..

Octavia doesn't get home until 9 at night. She walks through the door and heads upstairs. "O, where have you been?"

"I've been with Clarke"

"Wait" I'm lost for words. "She's back?"

"Yeah, she got back at 5 this afternoon."

"How is she?"

"You can ask her yourself, tomorrow at school."

"O, wait. I'm sorry about earlier, when I snapped at you."

"It's okay bell, forget it. I'm tired, goodnight."

I nod and say goodnight as she walks to her room.
Clarke is back. My whole body is telling me to go and see her, but my mind is telling me to stay away. Which way do I go? I will see her tomorrow.

I get a text message.

Message from: Echo

Hey Bellamy, had such a fun night last night. Hope to see you again soon. xoxo

Shit! She thinks we're a thing, she was supposed to leave and forget about me. This can't be happening, just when Clarke gets back I have to have a girl that is attached, clinging to me. This is just great....

The Bellarke reunion will be in the next chapter as I want the whole school day to be in the same chapter. I can't wait for you to see how they will but heads! I'm so excited! 😊

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