Old habits.

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Octavia POV

4 weeks later..

"Clarke!!!" I yelled.

I heard her come running up the stairs. "Octavia what's wrong?!" She said as she opened my door. Her breathing was heavy as she had just run all the way from the kitchen.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just reallllllly bored."

"Octavia! I just ran up the stairs, I thought there was something wrong! You made me run for no reason!" She said while jumping next to me on my bed.

I laughed. "Oh well, have any new gossip? Or have you been too busy eating my brothers face?"

"Octavia, you know as well as I do, we aren't together... yet"

"Oh I knew it! You two are so gonna get back together!"

"Octavia! Keep your voice down. He's in the kitchen you idiot." She said while putting her finger to her lips.

"Oh come on, stop playing and just go out with each other again."

"It's not that simple Octavia." She said while pushing her hair out of her face.
"Anyway, how's the baby?" She said as she touched my stomach.

"Well apparently, i conceived it two months ago." I said while looking down at the small baby bump.

"Hm, does that give you any more idea on who the father is?" She asked.

"No, not really.."

"when are you gonna tell them Octavia?"

"I want to, but every time I try to, I chicken out.... who should I tell first? Lincoln or Murphy?"

"I don't know. Whoever you bring it up to first.. or you could tell them together?"

"You think that would be a good idea?" I asked.

"Yeah, well it could be.."

"Yeah.. you know what? I'm gonna invite them to dinner tonight so I can tell them" I said as I reached for my phone.

"Tonight?" She asked surprised.


"Um sure. Bellamy and I can cook dinner if you want?"

"Yeah that'd be great, I'll text them now." I replied.

She nodded and left the room.


Clarke POV

Later that day...

Bellamy and I were preparing dinner together. Well Bellamy really was the only one cooking, I was just the unhelpful thing in the corner. I chopped the vegetables, the wrong way of course...

"Clarke. That's not how you cut potatoes." He said while shaking his head.

"Yes it is!" I said in defence. "This is exactly how my mom used to cut them, and it doesn't matter because we are mashing them!"

He widened his eyes and continued cooking the steak. "What? I'm not that bad of a cook!" I said.

"Yes Clarke you are..."

"Am not!"

"Clarke... your the only person I know... Who can burn boiled eggs.."

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