Slow recovery

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Clarke POV

"Please wake up Wells, please." I asked the almost lifeless body that was next to me.

It has been a week since the crash. Finn is recovering, he had a minor concussion and a broken leg. But Wells on the other hand, isn't doing so well. He is on life support at the moment, just until he is ready to breathe on his own.

I visit Wells at least 3 times a day, for about 1 hour each visit. His lungs have healed a bit, though he still has a fair way to go for a full recovery. Octavia has been checking up on me regularly. I haven't been staying at her house, as Bellamy is there. Wells' father has been renting and apartment here, so I decided to stay with him. I couldn't bare the thought of returning back to my house. Everything in that house remind me of my mom, and the life I used to have before pain and sadness.

Finn is back at home now. I always go and see him, just to see how he is going. I help him around the house as he can't do much due to his leg.

I am still in a bit of shock, knowing that another person that I love could have been taken away from me.

Thelonious (Wells' dad) has forgiven me for 'crashing into Wells'. I haven't spilled the secret about how it was Bellamy that had crashed. I told Finn the truth as he knew it wasn't me. He was furious at first, about how I took the fall for Bellamy. But I explained that he wasn't in the right head space. I haven't spoken to Bellamy since that night. He has tried to talk to me. When I'm walking down the street, he calls my name but I always ignore him. He pleads and apologies every time he sees me. I'm not ready to forgive him yet, not before Wells wakes up.

3 days later..

Today is the day. The doctors think that Wells will be able to breathe on his own now, so we are taking him off life support. The doctors turned off the system and after about 10 seconds, Wells started to breathe on his own. A tear fell down my cheek as Thelonious pulled me into a big hug. My best friend is going to survive. It's just a matter of time before he wakes up. The doctors think he will wake up within 24 hours. I intend to be here when he does.

I'm starting to become sleepy as i sit beside Wells' hospital bed, watching his stomach rise and fall. I decide to go and get a coffee from the local 'coffee club'. I order a small cappuccino. And just as I go to turn around I bump into someone. A Solid, strong person... it was Bellamy. Luckily I hadn't been given my coffee yet or I would have spilled it all over myself. I give Bellamy a death glare as his eyes locked into mine.

"Clarke, can we talk?"

I pursed my lips together thinking for an answer, I nod my head. I walk towards a table and he follows me.

He sits down and I notice the dark bags under his eyes and the pale color in his face. He looks like he hasn't slept or eaten in days. He looks even worse than me and I'm the one with my best friend in hospital.

"You wanted to talk, so talk" I didn't mean to sound so obnoxious but it just came out like that.

"Clarke. No apology in the world will make up for what I did but I just want you to know that I am so sorry. About everything. I shouldn't have driven home that night. I just wanted to get back to you..."

I stayed silent for a bit as he studied my emotionless expression. "Thank you" I whispered, breaking the silence. I haven't forgiven him, but I have accepted his apology.
He nodded and looked at my hands.

"I miss you, so much. I can't sleep at night anymore. And when I do I have night mares about losing you forever." His eyes met mine again.

"Bellamy.... please-" "order for Clarke!" A girl yells from behind the counter. I give Bellamy a sad look as I go to collect my coffee.

I get to the counter and a brunette hands me my cappuccino, "you're becoming a regular here I see." She comments.

I giggle. "Yeah well, it's the closest coffee club to the hospital so-"

"Oh I'm so sorry."

"Thank you but, you won't have to see too much of me anymore. My friend will be better soon."

"Oh, that's a a shame- wait no I didn't mean it like that- it's good that you're friend is getting better- b-but a shame that you won't be coming here anymore.. jeez that came out bad. Sorry."

I giggled at her response. "It's fine, thank you for the coffee-" I searched for her name badge "Lexa"

"You're welcome- Clarke"

I smiled and made my way over to the door, Bellamy was waiting for me outside. "Can I walk you to the hospital?" He asks.

"Bellamy, I need more time. Come see me after Wells wakes up." And with that I make my way down the street towards the hospital.

There she is, Lexa. Where do you think Clarke and lexas relationship will go? Do you think it will just be a friendship or more?

Hopefully Bellamy and Clarke can patch things up and go back to being the two love birds that they are! Wait and see.

Thanks so much for 500 reads!! Please feel free to vote/comment and give feedback! xx

I need you //Book one.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat