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Clarke POV

Two days later...

I get out of bed dreading what today has to offer. My dad has to go back to Australia today, along with Bianca and Charlotte.. i have grown so close to them in this past month more that i ever thought possible, it saddens me that they have to leave..

I quickly get dressed and brush my hair, letting it fall naturally. I slept in my room last night as Bellamy stayed at Murphys. He's been hanging around his high school 'friends' a lot lately, and dont get me wrong I'm happy for him but something's different somehow.

I make my way down to the kitchen and make myself some toast. I was gonna make O some but she wouldn't be awake for at least another few hours.

I grab my car keys, leaving a note for O on the bench that reads. 'Just out with the family for a bit until they go back to Australia. Just incase you start to wonder where i am. xoxo'

I make my way out to the car, just then i see a familiar face.

"Hey Roan!" I wave him over.

"Hey, Clarke."

"What are you doing?"

"Just walking to work, nothing really."

"Okay, but why are you walking? I thought you had a car?"

"Yeah i do, its just at the repair shop today and tomorrow."

"Oh, well do you need a lift?"

"Nah, i dont want to make you go out of your way. Ill walk its fine." He says.

I smile. "Get in the car, and i'm not taking no for an answer." He smirks and opens the car door.

I reverse out of the driveway. "So" Roan starts. "Did you move houses or something?"

"Uh, yeah kinda. I barely go back to my old house, just being there makes me, i dont know, sad I guess.."

"So who's house are you staying at?"

"Uh, Bellamy and Octavias"

"Oh" is all he says.

It stays awkwardly quiet for the rest of the drive, which is only a few minutes..

I pull up at the front of the hospital. "Thanks for this, Clarke."

"Anytime, and if you need a lift tomorrow dont be afraid to ask." I smile.

He waves goodbye and enters the hospital.

I make my way to my dads hotel. My mood is growing sadder by the minute.

I knock on the door and Bianca answers with a warm hug. "Hey honey." She says.

"Hey." I say as i close the door behind me.

Charlotte runs over to me and hugs my waist. "Clarkie!"

"Hey Lotte!" I say as i kneel down to her eye level. I then engulf her in a big hug, i may have not known she had existed a month ago, but now I couldn't imagine not having her in my life..

I need you //Book one.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα