My eyes are wide open.

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Bellamy POV

I was able to sleep last night. Knowing that Clarke doesn't hate me completely gives me hope that she can forgive me.

Octavia has been really distant lately and that doesn't make anything any better...
I know she's really disappointed and angry at me, but she is acting really weird around me. She hasn't been staying at the house much, so it's been really quiet. Just me an mom. Not that moms here a lot. She's always in the city with her new boyfriend 'Anthony Gruce' he is a top inspector for a big company. Many people know him as 'inspector Gruce' he seems a bit dodgy to me, but I could just be paranoid...

I've decided that I'm going to go and see Finn today. It may not be the best idea but I need him to know how sorry I am..

When I get to his house I notice that a car is parked out the front, Clarkes car. What is she doing here? A weird feeling develops in my stomach but I push it down. I knock on the door and none other than my prin- Clarke Griffin answers.

"B-Bellamy? Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Um, I uh- I wanted to see Finn.... if that's alright?"

"Um.. hold on, I will ask him soon.. he's in the shower at the moment."

"The shower?" I notice her dampened hair and clothes. She noticed that I noticed.

"I had to wrap his leg in a plastic bag, not that big of a deal...." she said while pulling her wet sleeves up..

She shows me the way in and I follow her to the kitchen. "Um, do you want anything to eat, drink?" She's asks.

"No thanks I'm good, I'm just here to apologise to Finn.."

"Apologise? Well, don't make him angry. He's pretty furious at you..."

"Yeah I figured.."

"Clarke!" Finn called out in desperation. "Clarke!" She immediately sprinted to where the yells were coming from. I heard the water stop running as Clarke closed the bathroom door behind her. I heard chatter, but I couldn't hear clearly. All I heard was Finn say "what?!" I guess she told him that I was here....

I made my way back into the kitchen and took a seat at the table.. a few minutes later Clarke was helping a crippled Finn into the kitchen. He had a black cast that covered 3/4 of his leg. He had crutches glued to either side of his body. When I saw him I straightened my back and his eyes grew wider. "Bellamy" he said with an attitude.

"Finn" I replied. As he sat down on a chair.

"I'll give you two boys some time.... dont start a fight alright?.... I won't be happy." Clarke said eyeing the two of us, back and forward.. I watched her as she left the room and I could feel Finns eyes laser through the back of my skull. I turned around and met Finns eyes. "Um so Finn-"

"I don't want an apology for the crash, I want to know why you made Clarke take the fall for you."

"At first.... when she got to the crash site... well I don't remember much but, she didn't know who was in the other car. She told me that she would take my place so I wouldn't get in trouble... and when she found out that it was you and Wells in the other car... I think she regretted it-"

"I didn't regret it." Clarke interrupted walking into the kitchen again. "Not at all." She leaned against the door frame. "If it saved you from getting in trouble, it was worth it.."

"Well, as long as you are okay with everything Clarke. I am okay with everything-" Finn added.

"Oh I'm not okay with everything but I'm getting there." She said as she gave me a tiny smile.

Clarke got a phone call. Her eyes lit up and she immediately answered.
She screamed. "He's awake! Wells is awake!!" She ran up to me and jumped into my arms. She was bursting with excitement. My heart melted when she hugged me. I hugged her back as tight as I could without hurting her. "I have to go to the hospital" she said as she awkwardly stepped away from me.

"I can drive you, if you want" I suggested.

She nodded and waved Finn goodbye. She skipped all the way out to the car and she couldn't stop smiling throughout the car drive.

When we got to the hospital she ran as fast as she could to wells' room.. I couldn't keep up with her.


Clarke POV

I ran as fast as I could to wells' room. He was sitting up in his bed and Thelonious was
Sitting in the chair by the bed. I ran over to his bed and hugged him. I could taste the saltiness of my tears as I cried with happiness. "I thought I lost you" I whispered.

"You can't get rid of me that easily" he replied with a heart warming smile.
Thelonious left us so that we could catch up. Bellamy went to the cafe to get us some food, real food. Hospital food is disgusting...

"So uh- dad told me that you were the one who crashed into my car... I know it wasn't you..... care to explain?" Wells said.

I avoided the question for as long as I could, "Clarke, tell me." He demanded this time.

"Fine, it was Bellamy.."

"Bellamy? W-why does everyone think it was you then?"

"Because I took the fall for Bellamy, so he wouldn't get in trouble..."

"In trouble? For what- oh......... he was drunk, wasn't he?"

"Yes" I whispered. "I didn't know that it was you in the other car at first, but when I found out I went crazy.... I was terrified.. I can't lose you as well." I said as tears welled in my eyes.

"Come here." He said while opening his arms, asking for a hug. I accepted and put my arms around his body. I felt safe when I was with Wells, he is family, my brother, the one person that I can tell anything to. And without him, there's a big whole in my heart. Knowing how close I was to losing him made me realise how much I loved him.

"I love you Wells."

"I love you too Clarke."

I need you //Book one.Where stories live. Discover now